Recent publications in peer-reviewed articles for years 2004-2025.
- Agathangelidis, I., Blougouras, G., Cartalis, C., (...), Tzanis, C.G., Philippopoulos, K.: "Global Climatology of the Daytime Surface Cooling of Urban Parks Using Satellite Observations", Geophysical Research Letters, 52(2), art. no. e2024GL112887 (2025)
- Mavrakou, T., Polydoros, A., Cartalis, C., Philippopoulos, K.: "Αssessing the climate change related risk of cultural heritage sites", Scientific Culture, 11(1) (2025)
- Giannaros, C., Agathangelidis, I., Galanaki, E., Cartalis, C., (...), Giannaros, T.M., Matzarakis, A.: “Hourly values of an advanced human-biometeorological index for diverse populations from 1991 to 2020 in Greece”, Scientific Data, 11(1), art. no. 76 (2024)
- Karagiorgos, J., Vervatis, V., Samos, I., Flocas, H., Sofianos, S.:"Ocean-wave-atmosphere coupling effect in Medicane forecasting", Atmospheric Research, 304, art. no. 107418 (2024)
- Samos, I., Flocas, H., Louka, P., Gofa, F., Emmanouil, A.: "Velocity estimation of thunderstorm movement and dealiasing of single Doppler radar during convective events", Acta Geophysica (2024)
- Fameli, K.-M., Kladakis, A., Efthymiou, C., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Assimakopoulos, V.:"Insights from the development of an innovative air quality monitoring system", International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, 48(4/W10-2024), pp. 65-70
- Carlucci, S., Lange, M.A., Artopoulos, G., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Thravalou, S., Kyprianou, I.:"Characteristics of the built environment in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East and related energy and climate policies", Energy Efficiency, 17(5), art. no. 52 (2024)
- Gigante, A., Papadaki, D., Mazzoli, C., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Ferrante, A.:"Indoor quality-oriented approach for the performance evaluation of building retrofit with façade transformation: Case study of student dormitory in Mediterranean climate", Energy and Buildings, 312, art. no. 114227 (2024)
- Dragonetti, L., Papadaki, D., Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Ferrante, A., Iannantuono, M.:"Environmental and Economic Assessment of Energy Renovation in Buildings, a Case Study in Greece", Buildings, 14(4), art. no. 942 (2024)
- Festa, V., Ruggiero, S., Riccardi, S., Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Papadaki, D.:"Incidence of circular refurbishment measures on indoor air quality and comfort conditions in two real buildings: Experimental and numerical analysis", Energy and Built Environment (2024)
- Karageorgis, A.P., Metheniti, V.C., Chaikalis, S.P., (...), Sofianos, S., Anagnostou, C.:"Particulate Matter Spatial, Temporal Distribution and Size Properties in the Aegean Sea", Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, 127, pp. 339-370 (2024)
- Kontoyiannis, H., Pratt, L.J., Zervakis, V., (...), Sofianos, S., Theocharis, A.:"Current and density observations on a flow through a contraction and over a bottom elevation at the southern edge of the Cycladic Plateau in the Aegean Sea – East Mediterranean", Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 106, art. no. 101460 (2024)
- Czermański, E., Oniszczuk-Jastrząbek, A., Laskowicz, T., (...), Reis, L.A., Tzanis, C.G.:"Editorial: Air pollution as a risk factor affecting human health and economic costs", Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12, art. no. 1421547 (2024)
- Preka-Papadema, P., Tzanis, C.G.:"The Effect of Helio-Geomagnetic Activity in the Geo-Environment and by Extension to Human Health", Atmosphere, 15(3), art. no. 293 (2024)
- Bessagnet, B., Bossioli, E., Cholakian, A., (...), Pisoni, E., Thunis, P.:"Impact of air quality model settings for the evaluation of emission reduction strategies to curb air pollution", Environmental Research, 255, art. no. 119112 (2024)
- Di Capua, G., Tyrlis, E., Matei, D., Donner, R.V.:"Tropical and mid-latitude causal drivers of the eastern Mediterranean Etesians during boreal summer", Climate Dynamics (2024)
- Ghosh, R., Manzini, E., Gao, Y., (...), Tyrlis, E., Zhang, Y., Matei, D.: "Observed winter Barents Kara Sea ice variations induce prominent sub-decadal variability and a multi-decadal trend in the Warm Arctic Cold Eurasia pattern", Environmental Research Letters, 19(2), art. no. 024018 (2024)
- Evelpidou, N., Cartalis, C., Karkani, A., (...), Philippopoulos, K., Spyrou, E.: "A GIS-Based Assessment of Flood Hazard through Track Records over the 1886–2022 Period in Greece", Climate, 11(11), art. no. 226 (2023)
- Tsilogianni, D., Cartalis, C., Philippopoulos, K.:"Climate Change Impact Assessment on Ski Tourism in Greece: Case Study of the Parnassos Ski Resort", Climate, 11(7), art. no. 140 (2023)
- Agathangelidis, I., Blougouras, G., Cartalis, C., (...), Mavrakou, T., Tzanis, C.G.: "Surface thermal effects of parks in Mediterranean cities: an investigation under typical summer conditions, heatwaves and droughts", 2023 Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event, JURSE (2023)
- Philippopoulos, K., Pantavou, K., Cartalis, C., (...), Polydoros, A., Nikolopoulos, G.:"A novel artificial neural network methodology to produce high-resolution bioclimatic maps using Earth Observation data: A case study for Cyprus", Science of the Total Environment, 893, art. no. 164734 (2023)
- Giannaros, C., Agathangelidis, I., Papavasileiou, G., (...), Cartalis, C., Matzarakis, A.:"The extreme heat wave of July–August 2021 in the Athens urban area (Greece): Atmospheric and human-biometeorological analysis exploiting ultra-high resolution numerical modeling and the local climate zone framework", Science of the Total Environment, 857, art. no. 159300 (2023)
- Samos, I., Louka, P., Flocas, H.:"Assessing the Accuracy of 3D-VAR in Supercell Thunderstorm Forecasting: A Regional Background Error Covariance Study", Atmosphere, 14(11), art. no. 1611 (2023)
- Flaounas, E., Aragão, L., Bernini, L., Flocas, H.A. (...), Sprenger, M., Ziv, B.:"A composite approach to produce reference datasets for extratropical cyclone tracks: application to Mediterranean cyclones", Weather and Climate Dynamics, 4(3), pp. 639-661 (2023)
- Patlakas, P., Chaniotis, I., Hatzaki, M., Kouroutzoglou, J., Flocas, H.A.: "The eastern Mediterranean extreme snowfall of January 2022: synoptic analysis and impact of sea-surface temperature", Weather (2023)
- Kouremadas, G., Christodoulakis, J., Varotsos, C., Xue, Y.:"Satellite Sensed Data-Dose Response Functions: A Totally New Approach for Estimating Materials’ Deterioration from SpaceOpen Access, Remote Sensing, 15(12), art. no. 3194 (2023)
- Varotsos, C.A., Golitsyn, G.S., Xue, Y., (...), Sarlis, N., Voronova, T.:"On the relation between rain, clouds, and cosmic rays", Remote Sensing Letters, 14(3), pp. 301-312 (2023)
- Vasou, P., Krokos, G., Langodan, S., Sofianos, S., Hoteit, I.: “Contribution of surface and lateral forcing to the Arabian Gulf warming trend”, Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, art. no. 1260058 (2023)
- Patlakas, P., Stathopoulos, C., Kalogeri, C., (...), Sofianos, S., Kallos, G.:"The Development and Operational Use of an Integrated Numerical Weather Prediction System in the National Center for Meteorology of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia", Weather and Forecasting, 38(11), pp. 2289-2319 (2023)
- Metheniti, V., Karageorgis, A.P., Drakopoulos, P., Kampanis, N., Sofianos, S.:"Deriving the diffuse attenuation coefficient in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, using observational optical measurements and a multi-layer perceptron regression model", Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 199, art. no. 104105 (2023)
- Antivachis, D., Vervatis, V., Sofianos, S.:"Lagrangian Coherent Structures in the Mediterranean Sea: Seasonality and basin regimes", Progress in Oceanography, 215, art. no. 103051 (2023)
- Blougouras, G., Philippopoulos, K., Tzanis, C.G.:"An extreme wind speed climatology – Atmospheric driver identification using neural networks", Science of the Total Environment, 875, art. no. 162590 (2023)
- Bessagnet, B., Cuvelier, K., de Meij, A., Bossioli, E., (...), Hutsemékers, V., Trimpeneers, E.:"Assessment of the sensitivity of model responses to urban emission changes in support of emission reduction strategies", Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health (2023)
- Methymaki, G., Bossioli, E., Boucouvala, D., Nenes, A., Tombrou, M.: "Brown carbon absorption in the Mediterranean basin from local and long-range transported biomass burning air masses", Atmospheric Environment, 306, art. no. 119822 (2023)
- Floutsi, A.A., Baars, H., Engelmann, R., (...), Giannakaki, E., Barja, B., Wandinger, U.: "DeLiAn - a growing collection of depolarization ratio, lidar ratio and Ångström exponent for different aerosol types and mixtures from ground-based lidar observations", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 16(9), pp. 2353-2379 (2023)
- Polydoros, A., Cartalis, C., Santamouris, M., Kolokotsa, D.: "Use of landscape metrics for the mitigation of the surface urban heat island effect in Mediterranean cities", Global Urban Heat Island Mitigation, pp. 95-108 (2022)
- Agathangelidis, I., Cartalis, C., Polydoros, A., Mavrakou, T., Philippopoulos, K.:"Can Satellite-Based Thermal Anomalies Be Indicative of Heatwaves? An Investigation for MODIS Land Surface Temperatures in the Mediterranean Region", Remote Sensing 14(13), art. no. 3139 (2022)
- Koutroumanou-Kontosi, K., Cartalis, C., Philippopoulos, K., Agathangelidis, I., Polydoros, A.:"A Methodology for Bridging the Gap between Regional- and City-Scale Climate Simulations for the Urban Thermal Environment", Climate, 10(7), art. no. 106 (2022)
- Khan, A., Papazoglou, E.G., Cartalis, C., (...), Vasilakopoulou, K., Santamouris, M."On the mitigation potential and urban climate impact of increased green infrastructures in a coastal mediterranean city", Building and Environment, 221, art. no. 109264 (2022)
- Toumpos, M., Flocas, H.A., Kouroutzoglou, J., Hatzaki, M.:"An updated climatology of atmospheric blocking in the eastern Atlantic-European region", International Journal of Climatology (2022)
- Tsikoudi, I., Marinou, E., Vakkari, V., (...), Giannakaki, E., Tombrou, M., Flocas, H.:"PBL Height Retrievals at a Coastal Site Using Multi-Instrument Profiling Methods", Remote Sensing, 14(16), art. no. 4057 (2022)
- Gofa, F., Flocas, H., Louka, P., Samos, I.:"A Coherent Approach to Evaluating Precipitation Forecasts over Complex Terrain", Atmosphere, 13(8), art. no. 1164 (2022)
- Karalis, M., Sotiropoulou, G., Abel, S.J., Bossioli, E., (...), Nenes, A., Tombrou, M.: "Effects of secondary ice processes on a stratocumulus to cumulus transition during a cold-air outbreak", Atmospheric Research, 277, art. no. 106302 (2022)
- Varotsos, C.A., Mkrtchyan, F.A., Soldatov, V.Y.:"Remote Monitoring of Atmospheric and Hydrophysical Characteristics of the Water Surface Based on Microwave Radiometric Measurements", Remote Sensing, 14(15), art. no. 3527 (2022)
- Varotsos, C.A., Golitsyn, G.S., Efstathiou, M., Sarlis, N."The remotely sensed geometric data of rain and clouds as a basis for studying extreme events", Remote Sensing Letters (2022)
- Christodoulakis, J., Karinou, F., Kelemen, M., (...), Fotaki, E.F., Varotsos, C.A.:"Assessment of air pollution from Athens International Airport and suggestions for adaptation to new aviation emissions restrictions", Atmospheric Pollution Research, 13(6), art. no. 101441 (2022)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Mkrtchyan, F.A., Xue, Y.:"Mission to Mars: effective tools for searching and diagnosing water resources", Remote Sensing Letters (2022)
- Varotsos, C.A., Golitsyn, G.S., Efstathiou, M., Sarlis, N.:"A new method of nowcasting extreme cosmic ray events", Remote Sensing Letters (2022)
- Varotsos, C.A., Mkrtchyan, F.A., Soldatov, V.Y., Xue, Y.:"Capabilities on Remote Microwave Technologies to Assess the State of Water Systems", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 233(4), art. no. 114 (2022)
- Assimakopoulos, M.N., Barmparesos, N., Pantazaras, A., Karlessi, T., Lee, S.E.:"On the comparison of occupancy in relation to energy consumption and indoor environmental quality: A case study", Smart Zero-Energy Buildings and Communities for Smart Grids, pp. 103-113 (2022)
- Barmparesos, N., Efthymiou, C., Tasios, P., Asimakopoulos, D., Assimakopoulos, M.N.:"Preliminary Results of COVID-19 Restriction Measures on the Air Pollution Levels in the City Center of Athens, Greece", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2437, art. no. 020198 (2022)
- Ruggiero, S., Francesca De Masi, R., Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Peter Vanoli, G.:"Energy saving through building automation systems: Experimental and numerical study of a smart glass with liquid crystal and its control logics in summertime", Energy and Buildings, 273, art. no. 112403 (2022)
- Papadaki, D., Nikolaou, D.A., Assimakopoulos, M.N.:"Circular Environmental Impact of Recycled Building Materials and Residential Renewable Energy", Sustainability (Switzerland), 14(7), art. no. 4039 (2022)
- Ntouros, V., Kousis, I., Pisello, A.L., Assimakopoulos, M.N.:"Binding Materials for MOF Monolith Shaping Processes: A Review towards Real Life Application", Energies, 15(4), art. no. 1489 (2022)
- Asdrubali, F., Guattari, C., Roncone, M., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Aletta, F., Berardi, U.:"A Round Robin Test on the dynamic simulation and the LEED protocol evaluation of a green building", Sustainable Cities and Society, 78, art. no. 103654 (2022)
- Mavropoulou, A.-M., Vervatis, V., Sofianos, S.:"The Mediterranean Sea overturning circulation: A hindcast simulation (1958–2015) with an eddy-resolving (1/36°) model", Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 187, art. no. 103846 (2022)
- Bourma, E., Perivoliotis, L., Petihakis, G., Sofianos, S., (...), Petalas, S., Zissis, N.:"The Hellenic Marine Observing, Forecasting and Technology System—An Integrated Infrastructure for Marine Research", Open Access, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(3), art. no. 329 (2022)
- Tzanis, C.G., Kalamaras, N., Philippopoulos, K., Deligiorgi, D.: "The multifractal nature of dew point", Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 604, art. no. 127922 (2022)
- Tzanis, C.G., Benetatos C. and Philippopoulos K.: "Solar cycle signal in climate and artificial neural networks forecasting". Remote Sensing, 14 (3), 751 (2022)
- Kouroutzoglou, J., Samos, I., Flocas, H.A., (...), Mamara, A., Emmannouil, A.:"Analysis of the transition of an explosive cyclone to a mediterranean tropical-like cyclone", Atmosphere, 12(11), art. no. 1438 (2021)
- Patlakas, P., Stathopoulos, C., Flocas, H., Bartsotas, N.S., Kallos, G.:"Precipitation climatology for the arid region of the arabian peninsula—variability, trends and extremes", Climate, 9(7), art. no. 103 (2021)
- Portalakis, P., Tombrou, M., Kalogiros, J., Dandou, A., Wang, Q.:"Investigation of air-sea turbulent momentum flux over the aegean sea with a wind-wave coupling model", Atmosphere, 12(9), art. no. 1208 (2021)
- Dandou, A., Papangelis, G., Kontos, Τ., Santamouris, M., Tombrou, M.:"On the cooling potential of urban heating mitigation technologies in a coastal temperate city", Landscape and Urban Planning, 212, art. no. 104106 (2021)
- Bossioli, E., Sotiropoulou, G., Methymaki, G., Tombrou, M.:"Modeling Extreme Warm-Air Advection in the Arctic During Summer: The Effect of Mid-Latitude Pollution Inflow on Cloud Properties", Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 126(7), art. no. e2020JD033291 (2021)
- Papangelis, G., Tombrou, M., Kalogiros, J.:"The Saharan convective boundary layer structure over large scale surface heterogeneity: A large eddy simulation study", Atmospheric Research, 248, art. no. 105250 (2021)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Xue, Y.:"ASSESSMENT OF SIBERIAN PERMAFROST IN THE CLIMATE CHANGE REGIME", International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pp. 1723-1726 (2021)
- de Leeuw, G., van der A, R., Bai, J.,Varotsos, C.A., (...), Zhang, K., Zhang, Y.:"Air quality over china", Remote Sensing, 13(17), art. no. 3542 (2021)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Xue, Y., Soldatov, V., Voronova, T.:"COVID-19 pandemic decision support system for a population defense strategy and vaccination effectiveness", Safety Science, 142, art. no. 105370 (2021)
- Varotsos, C.A., Mazei, Y., Saldaev, D., (...), Voronova, T., Xue, Y.:"Nowcasting of air pollution episodes in megacities: A case study for Athens, Greece", Atmospheric Pollution Research, art. no. 101099 (2021)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Mkrtchyan, F.A., Xue, Y.:"Optical spectral tools for diagnosing water media quality: A case study on the angara/yenisey river system in the siberian region", Land, 10(4), art. no. 342 (2021)
- Krapivin, V.F., Mkrtchan, F.A., Varotsos, C.A., Xue, Y.:"Operational Diagnosis of Arctic Waters with Instrumental Technology and Information Modeling", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 232(4), art. no. 137 (2021)
- Varotsos, C., Christodoulakis, J., Kouremadas, G.A., Fotaki, E.-F.:"The Signature of the Coronavirus Lockdown in Air Pollution in Greece", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 232(3), art. no. 119 92021)
- Cracknell, A.P., Varotsos, C.A.:"Editorial Sir John Houghton", Remote Sensing Letters, 12(4), pp. 364-376 (2021)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Xue, Y.:"Diagnostic model for the society safety under COVID-19 pandemic conditions", Safety Science, 136, art. no. 105164 (2021)
- Karagiannis, E., Papadaki, D., Assimakopoulos, M.N.:"Circular self-cleaning building materials and fabrics using dual doped TiO2 nanomaterials", AIMS Materials Science, 9(4), pp. 534-553 (2021)
- Assimakopoulos, M.-N., De Masi, R.F., de Rossi, F., (...), Ruggiero, S., Vanoli, G.P.:"Application of light shelves in a refurbished student dormitory: Energy, lightings and comfort aspects", Energy Reports, 7, pp. 253-258 (2021)
- Laskari, M., de Masi, R.-F., Karatasou, S., Santamouris, M., Assimakopoulos, M.-N.:"On the impact of user behaviour on heating energy consumption and indoor temperature in residential buildings", Energy and Buildings, art. no. 111657 (2021)
- Efthymiou, C., Barmparesos, N., Tasios, P., (...), Lissén, J.M.S., Assimakopoulos, M.N.:"Indoor environmental quality evaluation strategy as an upgrade (Renovation) measure in a historic building located in the mediterranean zone (Athens, Greece)", Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(21), art. no. 10133 (2021)
- Tzoutzas, I., Maltezou, H.C., Barmparesos, N., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Panis, V., Madianos, P.:"Indoor air quality evaluation using mechanical ventilation and portable air purifiers in an academic dentistry clinic during the covid-19 pandemic in greece" Open Access, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(16), art. no. 8886 (2021)
- Oikonomou, E., Lazaros, G., Mystakidi, V.C., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Kaski, J.C., Tousoulis, D.:"The association of air pollutants exposure with subclinical inflammation and carotid atherosclerosis", International Journal of Cardiology (2021)
- Ruggiero, S., Assimakopoulos, M.-N., De Masi, R.F., (...), Vanoli, G.P., Ferrante, A.:"Multi-disciplinary analysis of light shelves application within a student dormitory refurbishment", Sustainability (Switzerland), 13(15), art. no. 8251 (2021)
- Ntouros, V., Kampelis, N., Senzacqua, M., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Kolokotsa, D., Cristalli, C.:"Smart Meter Awareness in Italy, Ancona", Green Energy and Technology, pp. 47-66 (2021)
- Lissen, J.M.S., Escudero, C.I.J., De La Flor, F.J.S., (...), Karlessi, T., Assimakopoulos, M.-N.: "Optimal renovation strategies through life-cycle analysis in a pilot building located in a mild mediterranean climate", Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(4), art. no. 1423, pp. 1-25 (2021)
- Zodiatis, G., Lardner, R., Spanoudaki, K., Sofianos, S., (...), Eremina, T., Drago, A.:"Operational oil spill modelling assessments", Marine Hydrocarbon Spill Assessments: From Baseline Information through to Decision Support Tools, pp. 145-197 (2021)
- Gkanasos, A., Schismenou, E., Tsiaras, K., (...), Sofianos, S., Triantafyllou, G.:"A three dimensional, full life cycle, anchovy and sardine model for the North Aegean Sea (Eastern Mediterranean): Validation, sensitivity and climatic scenario simulations", Mediterranean Marine Science, 22(3), pp. 653-668 (2021)
- Zgouridou, A., Tripidaki, E., Giantsis, I.A., Sofianos, S., (...), Staikou, A., Michaelidis, B.:"The current situation and potential effects of climate change on the microbial load of marine bivalves of the Greek coastlines: an integrative review", Environmental Microbiology (2021)
- Chaikalis, S., Parinos, C., Möbius, J., Sofianos, S. (...), Androni, A., Karageorgis, A.:"Optical Properties and Biochemical Indices of Marine Particles in the Open Mediterranean Sea: The R/V Maria S. Merian Cruise, March 2018", Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, art. no. 614703 (2021)
- Kampouris, K., Vervatis, V., Karagiorgos, J., Sofianos, S.:"Oil spill model uncertainty quantification using an atmospheric ensemble", Ocean Science, 17(4), pp. 919-934 (2021)
- Hoteit, I., Abualnaja, Y., Afzal, S., Sofianos, S., (...), Zhan, P., Zodiatis, G.:"Towards an end-to-end analysis and prediction system for weather, climate, and Marine applications in the Red SeaOpen Access", Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 102(1), pp. E99-E122 (2021)
- Tzanis, C.G., Alimissis, A., 2021:"Contributing towards representative PM data coverage by utilizing artificial neural networks." Applied Sciences,11 (18), 8431 (2021)
- Rahimpour A., Amanollahi J., Tzanis C.G., 2021:"Air quality data series estimation based on machine learning approaches for urban environments." Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 14 (2), 191–201 (2021)
- Lupo, A.R., Chernokulsky, A.V., Gimeno, L., (...), Tzanis, C.G., Yi, C.:"Special issue: 10th anniversary of atmosphere: Climatology and meteorology", Atmosphere, 12(6), art. no. 681 (2021)
- Tzanis, C.G., Alimissis, A., Koutsogiannis, I.:"Addressing missing environmental data via a machine learning scheme", Atmosphere, 12(4), art. no. 499 (2021)
- Shang, X., Mielonen, T., Lipponen, A., (...), Giannakaki, E., Hirsikko, A., Komppula, M.:"Mass concentration estimates of long-range-transported Canadian biomass burning aerosols from a multi-wavelength Raman polarization lidar and a ceilometer in Finland", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14(9), pp. 6159-6179 (2021)
- Bohlmann, S., Shang, X., Vakkari, V., (...),Giannakaki, E., Pätsi, S., Komppula, M.:"Lidar depolarization ratio of atmospheric pollen at multiple wavelengths", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(9), pp. 7083-7097 (2021)
- Mylonaki, M., Giannakaki, E., Papayannis, A., (...), Baars, H., Soupiona, O.:"Aerosol type classification analysis using EARLINET multiwavelength and depolarization lidar observations", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(3), art. no. 2021, pp. 2211-2227 (2021)
- Varlas, G., Marinou, E., Gialitaki, A., Giannakaki, E., (...), Papadopoulos, A., Katsafados, P.:"Assessing sea-state effects on sea-salt aerosol modeling in the lower atmosphere using lidar and in-situ measurements" Open Access, Remote Sensing, 13(4), art. no. 614, pp. 1-32 (2021)
- Varotsos, C., Krapivin, V., Mkrtchyan, F., Zhou, X.:"On the effects of aviation on carbon-methane cycles and climate change during the period 2015-2100", Atmospheric Pollution Research (2020)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F.:"A new model for the spread of COVID-19 and the improvement of safety", Safety Science, 132, art. no. 104962 (2020)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Mkrtchyan, F.A., Gevorkyan, S.A., Cui, T.:"A Novel Approach to Monitoring the Quality of Lakes Water by Optical and Modeling Tools: Lake Sevan as a Case Study", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 231(8), art. no. 435 (2020)
- Varotsos, C., Mazei, Y., Novenko, E., (...), Saldaev, D., Efstathiou, M.:"A new climate nowcasting tool based on paleoclimatic data", Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(14), art. no. 5546 (2020)
- Varotsos, C.A., Cracknell, A.P.:"Remote Sensing Letters contribution to the success of the Sustainable Development Goals - UN 2030 agenda", Remote Sensing Letters, 11(8), pp. 715-719 92020)
- Varotsos, C.A., Efstathiou, M.N., Christodoulakis, J.:"The lesson learned from the unprecedented ozone hole in the Arctic in 2020; A novel nowcasting tool for such extreme events", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 207, art. no. 105330 (2020)
- Varotsos, C.A.:"Editorial: A new start with motto "festina lente", Remote Sensing Letters, 11(7), pp. 609-610 (2020)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Mkrtchyan, F.A.:"A new passive microwave tool for operational forest fires detection: A case study of siberia in 2019", Remote Sensing, 12(5), art. no. 835 (2020)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Mkrtchyan, F.A.:"On the Recovery of the Water Balance", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 231(4), art. no. 170 (2020)
- Varotsos, C., Mazei, Y., Efstathiou, M.:"Paleoecological and recent data show a steady temporal evolution of carbon dioxide and temperature", Atmospheric Pollution Research (2020)
- Varotsos, C.A., Mazei, Y.A.:"Erratum: Future temperature extremes will be more harmful: A new critical factor for improved forecasts (Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16 (20), 4015)", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), art. no. 3288 (2020)
- Agathangelidis, I., Cartalis, C., Santamouris, M.:"Urban Morphological Controls on Surface Thermal Dynamics: A Comparative Assessment of Major European Cities with a Focus on Athens, Greece", Climate 8(11), art. no. 131 (2020)
- Kotroni, V., Cartalis, C., Michaelides, S., (...), Polydoros, A., Proestos, Y.:"DISARM early warning system for wildfires in the Eastern Mediterranean", Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(16), art. no. 6670 (2020)
- Pantavou, K., Lykoudis, S., Michael, N., (...), Cartalis, C., Nikolopoulos, G.K.:"Thermal sensation and indices in the urban outdoor hot Mediterranean environment of Cyprus", Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2020)
- Methymaki, G., Bossioli, E., Kalogiros, J., (...), Nenes, A., Tombrou, M.:"Aerosol absorption over the Aegean Sea under northern summer winds", Atmospheric Environment, 231, art. no. 117533 (2020)
- Garshasbi, S., Haddad, S., Paolini, R., (...), Portalakis, P., Tombrou, M.:"Urban mitigation and building adaptation to minimize the future cooling energy needs", Solar Energy, 204, pp. 708-719 (2020)
- Santamouris, M., Paolini, R., Haddad, S., (...), Portalakis, P., Tombrou, M.:"Heat mitigation technologies can improve sustainability in cities. An holistic experimental and numerical impact assessment of urban overheating and related heat mitigation strategies on energy consumption, indoor comfort, vulnerability and heat-related mortality and morbidity in cities", Energy and Buildings, 217, art. no. 110002 (2020)
- Laskari, M., Karatasou, S., Santamouris, M., Assimakopoulos, M.-N:"Using pattern recognition to characterise heating behaviour in residential buildings", Advances in Building Energy Research (2020)
- Barmparesos, N., Saraga, D., Karavoltsos, S., (...), Bairachtari, K., Assimakopoulos, M.N.:"Chemical composition and source apportionment of pm10 in a green-roof primary school building", Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 10(23), art. no. 8464, pp. 1-23 (2020)
- Mavrigiannaki, A., Gobakis, K., Kolokotsa, D., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Synnefa, A.:"Measurement and verification of zero energy settlements: Lessons learned from four pilot cases in Europe" Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(22), art. no. 9783, pp. 1-16 (2020)
- Mavrigiannaki, A., Pignatta, G., Assimakopoulos, M., (...), Meir, I.A., Isaac, S.:"Examining the benefits and barriers for the implementation of net zero energy settlements", Energy and Buildings, 230, art. no. 110564 (2020)
- Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Papadaki, D., Tariello, F., Vanoli, G.P.:"A holistic approach for energy renovation of the town hall building in a typical small city of southern Italy", Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(18), art. no. 7699 (2020)
- Baloch, R.M., Maesano, C.N., Christoffersen, J., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Chatzidiakou, E., Dewolf, M.-C.:"Indoor air pollution, physical and comfort parameters related to schoolchildren's health: Data from the European SINPHONIE study", Science of the Total Environment, 739, art. no. 139870 (2020)
- Assimakopoulos, M.-N., De Masi, R.F., de Rossi, F., Papadaki, D., Ruggiero, S.:"Green wall design approach towards energy performance and indoor comfort improvement: A case study in Athens", Sustainability (Switzerland), 12(9), art. no. 3772 (2020)
- Pyrri, I., Zoma, A., Barmparesos, N., Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Assimakopoulos, V.D., Kapsanaki-Gotsi, E.:"Impact of a green roof system on indoor fungal aerosol in a primary school in Greece", Science of the Total Environment, 719, art. no. 137447 (2020)
- Tousoulis, D., Fountoulakis, P., Oikonomou, E., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Siamata, P., Kaski, J.C.:"Acute exposure to diesel affects inflammation and vascular function", European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (2020)
- Karagiorgos, J., Vervatis, V., Sofianos, S.:"The impact of tides on the bay of biscay dynamics", Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(8), art. no. 617 (2020)
- Stamataki, N., Hatzonikolakis, Y., Tsiaras, K., (...), Sofianos, S., Triantafyllou, G.:"Modelling mussel (Mytilus spp.) microplastic accumulation", Ocean Science, 16(4), pp. 927-949 (2020)
- Vasou, P., Vervatis, V., Krokos, G., Hoteit, I., Sofianos, S.:"Variability of water exchanges through the Strait of Hormuz", Ocean Dynamics (2020)
- Asfahani, K., Krokos, G., Papadopoulos, V.P., Jones, B.H., Sofianos, S., Kheireddine, M., Hoteit, I.:"Capturing a Mode of Intermediate Water Formation in the Red Sea", Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(4), art. no. e2019JC015803 (2020)
- Tzanis, C.G., Alimissis, A.:"Contributing towards representative pm data coverage by utilizing artificial neural networks", Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 11(18), art. no. 8431 (2021)
- Rahimpour, A., Amanollahi, J., Tzanis, C.G.:"Air quality data series estimation based on machine learning approaches for urban environments", Air Quality, Atmosphere and Health (2020)
- Tzanis, C.G., Koutsogiannis, I., Philippopoulos, K., Kalamaras, N.:"Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis of global methane and temperature", Remote Sensing, 12(3), art. no. 557 (2020)
- Vratolis, S., Fetfatzis, P., Argyrouli, A., (...), Tzanis, C.G., Eleftheriadis, K.:"Comparison and complementary use of in situ and remote sensing aerosol measurements in the Athens Metropolitan Area", Atmospheric Environment, 228, art. no. 117439 (2020)
- Kokkalis, P., Alexiou, D., Papayannis, A., (...), Tzanis, C.G., Christodoulakis, J.:"Application and Testing of the Extended-Kalman-Filtering Technique for Determining the Planetary Boundary-Layer Height over Athens, Greece", Boundary-Layer Meteorology (2020)
- Papanikolaou, C.-A., Giannakaki, E., Papayannis, A., Mylonaki, M., Soupiona, O.:"Canadian biomass burning aerosol properties modification during a long-ranged event on August 2018", Sensors (Switzerland), 20(18), art. no. 5442, pp. 1-19 (2020)
- Filioglou, M., Giannakaki, E., Backman, J., (...), Romakkaniemi, S., Komppula, M.:"Optical and geometrical aerosol particle properties over the United Arab Emirates", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(14), art. no. 458, pp. 8909-8922 (2020)
- Giannakaki, E., Kokkalis, P., Marinou, E., (...), Ansmann, A., Komppula, M.:"The potential of elastic and polarization lidars to retrieve extinction profiles", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13(2), pp. 893-905 (2020)
- Voudouri, K.A., Giannakaki, E., Komppula, M., Balis, D.:"Variability in cirrus cloud properties using a PollyXT Raman lidar over high and tropical latitudes", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(7), art. no. 20, pp. 4427-4444 (2020)
- Polishchuk, V., Kelemen, M., Gavurová, B., Varotsos, C.A., (...), Blišťan, P., Szabo, S.:"Erratum: Correction: A Fuzzy Model of Risk Assessment for Environmental Start-Up Projects in the Air Transport Sector. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 3753 (International journal of environmental research and public health (2019) 16 19 PII: E4850)", International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(23) (2019)
- Polishchuk, V., Kelemen, M., Gavurová, Varotsos, C.A.,, B., (...), Blišťan, P., Szabo, S:"A Fuzzy Model of Risk Assessment for Environmental Start-up Projects in the Air Transport Sector", International journal of environmental research and public health, 16(19) (2019)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Mkrtchyan, F.A.:"New Optical Tools for Water Quality Diagnostics", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, art. no. 177 (2019)
- Christodoulakis, J., Varotsos, C.A., Mavromichalaki, H., Efstathiou, M.N., Gerontidou, M.:"On the link between atmospheric cloud parameters and cosmic rays", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 189, pp. 98-106 (2019)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F.:" Modeling the state of marine ecosystems: A case study of the Okhotsk Sea", Journal of Marine Systems, 194, pp. 1-10 (2019)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Soldatov, V.Y.:"Monitoring and forecasting of tropical cyclones: A new information-modeling tool to reduce the risk", International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, art. no. 101088 (2019)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F., Chukhlantsev, A.A.:"Microwave polarization characteristics of snow at 6.9 and 18.7 GHz: Estimating the water content of the snow layers", Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 225, pp. 219-226 (2019)
- Varotsos, C.A., Efstathiou, M.N., Christodoulakis, J.:"Abrupt changes in global tropospheric temperature", Atmospheric Research, 217, pp. 114-119 (2019)
- Pyrgou, A., Santamouris, M., Livada, I., Cartalis, C.:"Retrospective analysis of summer temperature anomalies with the use of precipitation and evapotranspiration rates", Climate, 7(9), art. no. 104 (2019)
- Agathangelidis, I., Cartalis, C., Santamouris, M.: "Integrating urban form, function, and energy fluxes in a heat exposure indicator in view of intra-urban heat island assessment and climate change adaptation", Climate, 7(6), art. no. 75 (2019)
- Agathangelidis, I., Cartalis, C.:"Improving the disaggregation of MODIS land surface temperatures in an urban environment: a statistical downscaling approach using high-resolution emissivity", International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40(13), pp. 5261-5286 (2019)
- Kalkavouras, P., Bougiatioti, A., Kalivitis, N., (...), Tombrou, M. Nenes, A., Mihalopoulos, Ν.:" Regional new particle formation as modulators of cloud condensation nuclei and cloud droplet number in the eastern Mediterranean", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(9), pp. 6185-6203 (2019)
- Varotsos, K.V., Giannakopoulos, C., Tombrou, M.: "Ozone-temperature relationship during the 2003 and 2014 heatwaves in Europe", Regional Environmental Change (2019)
- Sotiropoulou, G., Bossioli, E., Tombrou, M.: "Modeling Extreme Warm-Air Advection in the Arctic: The Role of Microphysical Treatment of Cloud Droplet Concentration", Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2019)
- Bitsa, E., Flocas, H., Kouroutzoglou, J., (...), Rudeva, I., Simmonds, I.: "Development of a front identification scheme for compiling a cold front climatology of the Mediterranean", Climate, 7(11), art. no. 130 (2019)
- Gofa, F., Mamara, A., Anadranistakis, M., Flocas, H.:"Developing gridded climate data sets of precipitation for Greece based on homogenized time series", Climate, 7(5), art. no. 68 (2019)
- Patlakas, P., Stathopoulos, C., Flocas, H., Kalogeri, C., Kallos, G.:"Regional climatic features of the Arabian Peninsula", Atmosphere, 10(4), art. no. 220 (2019)
- Ferrante, A., Fotopoulou, A., Semprini, G., (...), Papadaki, D., Assimakopoulos, M.-N.:"IEQ and energy improvement of existing buildings by prefabricated facade additions: The case of a student house in Athens", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 609(4), art. no. 042047 (2019)
- Papadaki, D., Foteinis, S., Binas, V., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.N., Tsoutsos, T., Kiriakidis, G.:"A life cycle assessment of PCM and VIP in warm Mediterranean climates and their introduction as a strategy to promote energy savings and mitigate carbon emissions", AIMS Materials Science, 6(6), pp. 944-959 (2019)
- Papadaki, D., Mhlongo, G.H., Motaung, D.E., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.N., Kiriakidis, G., Ray, S.S.:"Hierarchically Porous Cu-, Co-, and Mn-Doped Platelet-Like ZnO Nanostructures and Their Photocatalytic Performance for Indoor Air Quality Control", ACS Omega (2019)
- Barmparesos, N., Papadaki, D., Karalis, M., Fameliari, K., Assimakopoulos, M.N.: " In situ measurements of energy consumption and indoor environmental quality of a pre-retrofitted student dormitory in Athens", Energies, 12(11), art. no. 2210 (2019)
- Krokos, G., Papadopoulos, V.P., Sofianos, S.S., (...), Dybczak, P., Hoteit, I.:"Natural Climate Oscillations may Counteract Red Sea Warming Over the Coming Decades", Geophysical Research Letters (2019)
- Xie, J., Krokos, G., Sofianos, S., Hoteit, I.:"Interannual Variability of the Exchange Flow Through the Strait of Bab-al-Mandeb", Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans (2019)
- Mirzaei M., Amanollahi J. and Tzanis C.G.: "Evaluation of linear, nonlinear, and hybrid models for predicting PM2.5 based on a GTWR model and MODIS AOD data, Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, doi:10.1007/s11869-019-00739-z (2019)
- Tzanis, C.G., Koutsogiannis, I., Philippopoulos, K., Deligiorgi, D.: "Recent climate trends over Greece", Atmospheric Research, 230, art. no. 104623 (2019)
- Philippopoulos, K., Kalamaras, N., Tzanis, C.G., Deligiorgi, D., Koutsogiannis, I.: "Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis of temperature reanalysis data over Greece", Atmosphere, 10(6), art. no. 336 (2019)
- Ganguly, N.D., Tzanis, C.G., Philippopoulos, K., Deligiorgi, D.: "Analysis of a severe air pollution episode in India during Diwali festival - A nationwide approach", Atmosfera, 32(3), pp. 225-236 (2019)
- Tzanis, C.G., Alimissis, A., Philippopoulos, K., Deligiorgi, D.: “Applying linear and nonlinear models for the estimation of particulate matter variability”, Environmental Pollution, 246, pp. 89–98 (2019)
- Kalamaras, N., Tzanis, C.G., Deligiorgi, D., Philippopoulos, K., Koutsogiannis, I.: "Distribution of air temperature multifractal characteristics over Greece", Atmosphere, 10(2), art. no. 45 (2019)
- Bohlmann, S., Shang, X., Giannakaki, E., (...), Romakkaniemi, S., Komppula, M.:"Detection and characterization of birch pollen in the atmosphere using a multiwavelength Raman polarization lidar and Hirst-type pollen sampler in Finland", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(23), pp. 14559-14569 (2019)
- Filioglou, M., Mielonen, T., Balis, D., Giannakaki, E., (...), Komppula, M., Romakkaniemi, S.: "Aerosol Effect on the Cloud Phase of Low-Level Clouds Over the Arctic", Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2019)
- Nakoudi, K., Giannakaki, E., Dandou, A., Tombrou, M., Komppula, M. :"Planetary boundary layer height by means of lidar and numerical simulations over New Delhi, India", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12(5), pp. 2595-2610 (2019)
- Varotsos, C.A., Efstathiou, M.N.:"Has global warming already arrived?", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 182, pp. 31-38 (2018)
- Varotsos, C.A., Krapivin, V.F.:" Pollution of Arctic Waters Has Reached a Critical Point: an Innovative Approach to This Problem", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 229(11), art. no. 343 (2018)
- Varotsos, P.K., Efstathiou, M.N., Varotsos, C.A.:"Anomalous mesospheric ozone variability is not a precursor to earthquakes: A case study in Greece", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 179, pp. 181-184 (2018)
- Christodoulakis, J., Varotsos, C.A., Cracknell, A.P., Kouremadas, G.A.:"The deterioration of materials as a result of air pollution as derived from satellite and ground based observations", Atmospheric Environment, 185, pp. 91-99 (2018)
- Varotsos, C.A., Cracknell, A.P., Efstathiou, M.N.: "The global signature of the El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation", International Journal of Remote Sensing, pp. 1-13 (2018)
- Krapivin, V.F., Varotsos, C.A., Marechek, S.V.: "The Dependence of the Soil Microwave Attenuation on Frequency and Water Content in Different Types of Vegetation: an Empirical Model", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 229(4), art. no. 110 (2018)
- Varotsos, C.A., Efstathiou, M.N.: "Τhe observational and empirical thermospheric CO2and NO power do not exhibit power-law behavior; an indication of their reliability", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 168, pp. 1-7 (2018)
- Stathopoulos, C., Galanis, G., Bartsotas, N.S., Kallos, G.: "A methodology for optimizing probabilistic wind power forecasting", Advances in Geosciences, 45, pp. 289-294 (2018)
- Bartsotas, N.S., Anagnostou, E.N., Nikolopoulos, E.I., Kallos, G.:"Investigating Satellite Precipitation Uncertainty Over Complex Terrain", Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (2018)
- Mavrakou, T., Polydoros, A., Cartalis, C., Santamouris, M.: "Recognition of thermal hot and cold spots in Urban areas in support of mitigation plans to counteract overheating: Application for Athens", Climate, 6(1), art. no. 16, (2018)
- Methymaki, G., Bossioli, E., Dandou, A., (...), Nenes, A., Tombrou, M.:"Solar irradiance prediction over the aegean sea: Shortwave parameterization schemes and aerosol radiation feedback", Springer Proceedings in Complexity, pp. 141-145. (2018)
- Katavoutas, G., Flocas, H.A.: "Universal thermal climate index (UTCI) and synoptic circulation patterns over the metropolitan city of Athens, Greece", Global Nest Journal, 20(3), pp. 477-487 (2018)
- Stergiopoulou, A., Katavoutas, G., Samoli, E., (...), Flocas, H., Katsouyanni, K.: "Assessing the associations of daily respiratory symptoms and lung function in schoolchildren using an Air Quality Index for ozone: Results from the RESPOZE panel study in Athens, Greece", Science of the Total Environment, 633, pp. 492-499, (2018)
- Rizou, D., Flocas, H.A., Hatzaki, M., Bartzokas, A.: "A statistical investigation of the impact of the indian monsoon on the eastern mediterranean circulation", Atmosphere, 9(3), art. no. 90. (2018)
- Dimitropoulou, E., Assimakopoulos, V.D., Fameli, K.M., Flocas, H.A., (...), Lagouvardos, K., Bossioli, E.: "Estimating the biogenic non-methane hydrocarbon emissions over Greece", Atmosphere 9(1),14 (2018)
- Louris, E., Sfiroera, E., Priniotakis, G., (...), Efthymiou, C., Assimakopoulos, M.N.:"Evaluating the ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) of various knit fabric structures", IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 459(1), art. no. 012051 (2018)
- Padula, M., Picenni, F., Malvezzi, R., (...), Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Karlessi, T.:"MedZEB: A new holistic approach for the deep energy retrofitting of residential buildings", TECHNE, SpecialSeries1, pp. 127-133 (2018)
- Barmparesos, N., Assimakopoulos, M.N., Assimakopoulos, V.D., (...), Sotiriou, M.A., Koukoumtzis, A.:"Correction: Indoor air quality and thermal conditions in a primary school with a green roof system [Atmosphere, 9, 75 (2018)]doi 10.3390/atmos9020075", Atmosphere, 9(11), art. no. 417 (2018)
- Assimakopoulos, V.D., Bekiari, T., Pateraki, S., (...), Nicolopoulou, P., Assimakopoulos, M.N.: " Assessing personal exposure to PM using data from an integrated indoor-outdoor experiment in Athens-Greece", Science of the Total Environment, 636, pp. 1303-1320 (2018)
- Barmparesos, N., Assimakopoulos, M.N., Assimakopoulos, V.D., (...), Sotiriou, M.A., Koukoumtzis, A.: "Indoor air quality and thermal conditions in a primary school with a green roof system", Atmosphere, 9(2), art. no. 75. (2018)
- Pantazaras, A., Santamouris, M., Lee, S.E., Assimakopoulos, M.N.: "A decision tool to balance indoor air quality and energy consumption: A case study", Energy and Buildings, 165, pp. 246-258 (2018)
- Iona, A., Theodorou, A., Sofianos, S., (...), Troupin, C., Beckers, J.-M.:"Mediterranean Sea climatic indices: Monitoring long-term variability and climate changes", Earth System Science Data, 10(4), pp. 1829-1842 (2018)
- Oil spill forecasting (prediction): "Zodiatis, G., Lardner, R., Alves, T.M., (...), Sofianos, S., Spanoudaki, K.", Journal of Marine Research, 75(6), pp. 923-953 (2018)
- Alimissis, A., Philippopoulos, K., Tzanis, C.G., Deligiorgi, D.:"Spatial estimation of urban air pollution with the use of artificial neural network models", Atmospheric Environment, 191, pp. 205-213 (2018)
- Liritzis, I., Preka-Papadema, P., Antonopoulos, P., Kalachanis, K., Tzanis, C.G.: "Does Astronomical and Geographical Information of Plutarch's de Facie Describe a Trip beyond the North Atlantic Ocean?"
- Alexiou, D., Kokkalis, P., Papayannis, A., (...), Tsaknakis, G., Tzanis, C.G.: "Planetary boundary layer height variability over athens, Greece, based on the synergy of raman lidar and radiosonde data: Application of the kalman filter and other techniques (2011-2016)", EPJ Web of Conferences, 176, art. no. 06007 (2018)
- Amodeo, A., D'Amico, G., Giunta, A., (...), Soupiona, O., Tzanis, C.: "ATHLI16: The ATHens Lidar Intercomparison campaign", EPJ Web of Conferences, 176, art. no. 09008 (2018)
- Labzovskii, L.D., Papayannis, A., Binietoglou, I., Banks, R.F., Baldasano, J.M., Toanca, F., Tzanis, C.G., Christodoulakis, J.: "Relative humidity vertical profiling using lidar-based synergistic methods in the framework of the Hygra-CD campaign", Annales Geophysicae, 36, 213-229, (2018)
- Fallahi, S., Amanollahi, J., Tzanis, C.G., Ramli, M.F. : "Estimating solar radiation using NOAA/AVHRR and ground measurement data", Atmospheric Research 199, pp. 93-102 (2018)
- Siomos, N., Balis, D.S., Voudouri, K.A., Giannakaki, E., (...), Papayannis, A., Fragkos, K.:"Are EARLINET and AERONET climatologies consistent? the case of Thessaloniki, Greece", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(16), pp. 11885-11903 (2018)
- Tsekeri, A., Amiridis, V., Lopatin, A., (...), Giannakaki, E., Dubovik, O., Goloub, P.: "Aerosol absorption profiling from the synergy of lidar and sun-photometry: The ACTRIS-2 campaigns in Germany, Greece and Cyprus", EPJ Web of Conferences, 176, art. no. 08005. (2018)
- Baars, H., Althausen, D., Engelmann, R., Giannakaki, E., (...), Mattis, I., Müller, G.: "PollyNET- An emerging network of automated raman-polarizarion lidars for continuous aerosolprofiling", EPJ Web of Conferences, 176, art. no. 09013. (2018)
- Siomos, N., Voudouri, K.A., Filioglou, M., Giannakaki, E., (...), D'Amico, G., Balis, D.S.: " Consistency of the single calculus chain for climatological studies using long-term measurements from thessaloniki lidar station", EPJ Web of Conferences, 176, art. no. 09007 (2018)
- Siomos, N., Voudouri, K.A., Giannakaki, E., (...), Papayannis, A., Balis, D.S.: "Long term lidar measurements of aerosol properties over thessaloniki", EPJ Web of Conferences, 176, art. no. 05033 (2018)
- Voudouri, K.-A., Giannakaki, E., Komppula, M., Balis, D.: " First results of cirrus clouds properties by means of a pollyxtraman lidar at two measurement sites", EPJ Web of Conferences, 176, art. no. 05031 (2018)
- Varotsos, C.A., Ghosh, S: "Impacts of climate warming on atmospheric phase transition mechanisms", Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2017)
- Krapivin, V.F., Varotsos, C.A., Nghia, B.Q: "A Modeling System for Monitoring Water Quality in Lagoons", Water, Air, and Soil Pollution, 228 (10), 397 (2017)
- Krapivin, V.F., Varotsos, C.A., Soldatov, V.Y.: "Simulation results from a coupled model of carbon dioxide and methane global cycles", Ecological Modelling 359, pp. 69-79 (2017)
- Krapivin, V.F., Varotsos, C.A., Soldatov, V.Y.: "The earth’s population can reach 14 billion in the 23rd century without significant adverse effects on survivability", International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (8), 885 (2017)
- Varotsos, C.A., Efstathiou, M.N., Cracknell, A.P.: "On the association of aerosol optical depth and total ozone fluctuations with recent earthquakes in Greece", Acta Geophysica, 65 (4), pp. 659-665 (2017)
- Varotsos, C.A., Sarlis, N.V., Efstathiou, M.: "On the association between the recent episode of the quasi-biennial oscillation and the strong El Niño event", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, pp. 1-9 (2017)
- Varotsos, C.A., Efstathiou, M.N.: "On the wrong inference of long-range correlations in climate data; the case of the solar and volcanic forcing over the Tropical Pacific", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 128 (3-4), pp. 761-767 (2017)
- Varotsos, C., Efstathiou, M., Cracknell, A.: "On the temporal evolution of the tropical stratospheric ozone", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 157-158, pp. 1-5 (2017)
- Christodoulakis, J., Tzanis, C.G., Varotsos, C.A., Ferm, M., Tidblad, J: "Impacts of air pollution and climate on materials in Athens, Greece", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (1), pp. 439-448 (2017)
- Krapivin, V.F., Varotsos, C.A.: "Nature-society system survivability model: Simulations of the principal natural and anthropogenic processes", Environmental Development (2017)
- Tsekeri, A., Lopatin, A., Amiridis, V., (...), Kallos, G.B., Chaikovsky, A.P., Dubovik, O.: "GARRLiC and LIRIC: Strengths and limitations for the characterization of dust and marine particles along with their mixtures", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 10(12), pp. 4995-5016 (2017)
- Patlakas, P., Galanis, G., Diamantis, D., Kallos, G.: "Low wind speed events: persistence and frequency", Wind Energy, 20 (6), pp. 1033-1047 (2017)
- Diapouli, E., Manousakas, M.I., Vratolis, S., (...), Kallos, G.B., Eleftheriadis, K.: "AIRUSE-LIFE +: Estimation of natural source contributions to urban ambient air PM10 and PM2. 5 concentrations in southern Europe - Implications to compliance with limit values", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17 (5), pp. 3673-3685 (2017)
- Kalogeri, C., Galanis, G., Spyrou, C., (...), Koukoula, M., Kallos, G.:"Assessing the European offshore wind and wave energy resource for combined exploitation", Renewable Energy 101, pp. 244-264 (2017)
- Liakatas, A., Galanis, G., Kalogeri, C., Kallos, G.: "Wave power estimation by means of spectral wave models and satellite records", Journal of Operational Oceanography, 10 (1), pp. 93-113 (2017)
- Patlakas, P., Drakaki, E., Galanis, G., Spyrou, C., Kallos, G.: "Wind gust estimation by combining a numerical weather prediction model and statistical post-processing", Energy Procedia 125, pp. 190-198 (2017)
- Bartsotas, N.S., Nikolopoulos, E.I., Anagnostou, E.N., Solomos, S., Kallos, G.: "Moving toward subkilometer modeling grid spacings: Impacts on atmospheric and hydrological simulations of extreme flash flood-inducing storms", Journal of Hydrometeorology, 18 (1), pp. 209-226 (2017)
- Benas, N., Chrysoulakis, N., Cartalis, C.: "Trends of urban surface temperature and heat island characteristics in the Mediterranean", Theoretical and Applied Climatology 130 (3-4), pp. 807-816 (2017)
- Vlami, V., Kokkoris, I.P., Zogaris, S., Cartalis, C., Kehayias, G., Dimopoulos, P. : "Cultural landscapes and attributes of “culturalness” in protected areas: An exploratory assessment in Greece", Science of the Total Environment, 595, pp. 229-243 (2017)
- Paravantis, J., Santamouris, M., Cartalis, C., Efthymiou, C., Kontoulis, N.: "Mortality associated with high ambient temperatures, heatwaves, and the urban heat island in Athens, Greece", Sustainability (Switzerland) 9 (4), 606 (2017)
- Santamouris, M., Cartalis, C.: "Energy consumption of the building sector: Incorporating urbanization, local climate change, and energy poverty", Springer Optimization and Its Applications, 125, pp. 129-149 (2017)
- Kalamaras, N., Philippopoulos, K., Deligiorgi, D., Tzanis, C.G., Karvounis, G.: "Multifractal scaling properties of daily air temperature time series", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 98, pp. 38-43 (2017)
- Dandou, A., Tombrou, M., Kalogiros, J., (...), Mihalopoulos, N., Coe, H.: "Investigation of Turbulence Parametrization Schemes with Reference to the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Over the Aegean Sea During Etesian Winds", Boundary-Layer Meteorology 164 (2), pp. 303-329 (2017)
- Kalkavouras, P., Bossioli, E., Bezantakos, S., (...), Nenes, A., Tombrou, M.: "New particle formation in the southern Aegean Sea during the Etesians: Importance for CCN production and cloud droplet number", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (1), pp. 175-192 (2017)
- Flocas, H.A., Tsanis, I.K., Katavoutas, G., (...), Iordanidou, V., Alexakis, D.D.:"Climatological aspects of cyclonic tracks associated with flood events in Crete, Greece", Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2017)
- Kouroutzoglou, J., Avgoustoglou, E.N., Flocas, H.A., (...), Skrimizeas, P., Keay, K.:"Assessment of the role of sea surface fluxes on eastern Mediterranean explosive cyclogenesis with the aid of the limited-area model COSMO.GR", Atmospheric Research (2017)
- Gofa, F., Boucouvala, D., Louka, P., Flocas, H.A.: "Spatial verification approaches as a tool to evaluate the performance of high resolution precipitation forecasts", Atmospheric Research (2017)
- Pantavou, K. G., Jacovides, C.P., Nikolopoulos, G. K.: "Data on solar sunburning ultraviolet (UVB) radiation at an urban Mediterranean climate. Data in Brief", 11, 597-600 (2017)
- Foustalieraki, M., Assimakopoulos, M.N., Santamouris, M., Pangalou, H.:"Energy performance of a medium scale green roof system installed on a commercial building using numerical and experimental data recorded during the cold period of the year", Energy and Buildings 135, pp. 33-38 (2017)
- Assimakopoulos, M.N., Katavoutas, G.: "Thermal Comfort Conditions at the Platforms of the Athens Metro", Procedia Engineering 180, pp. 925-931 (2017)
- Assimakopoulos, M.N., Barmparesos, N., Pantazaras, A., Karlessi, T., Lee, S.E.:"On the comparison of occupancy in relation to energy consumption and indoor environmental quality: A case study", Energy Procedia 134, pp. 875-884 (2017)
- Filippín, C., Ricard, F., Flores Larsen, S., Santamouris, M.:"Retrospective analysis of the energy consumption of single-family dwellings in central Argentina. Retrofitting and adaptation to the climate change",Renewable Energy 101, pp. 1226-1241 (2017)
- Pyrgou, A., Castaldo, V.L., Pisello, A.L., Cotana, F., Santamouris, M.:"On the effect of summer heatwaves and urban overheating on building thermal-energy performance in central Italy", Sustainable Cities and Society 28, pp. 187-200 (2017)
- Sofianos, S., Johns, W.E.: "The summer circulation in the Gulf of Suez and its influence in the Red Sea thermohaline circulation", Journal of Physical Oceanography 47 (8), pp. 2047-2053 (2017)
- Zarokanellos, N.D., Papadopoulos, V.P., Sofianos, S.S., Jones, B.H.: "Physical and biological characteristics of the winter-summer transition in the Central Red Sea", Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (8), pp. 6355-6370 (2017)
- Hatzonikolakis, Y., Tsiaras, K., Theodorou, J.A., (...), Sofianos, S., Triantafyllou, G.:"Simulation of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis growth with a dynamic energy budget model in Maliakos and Thermaikos Gulfs (Eastern mediterranean)", Aquaculture Environment Interactions 9, pp. 371-383 (2017)
- Papayannis, A., Argyrouli, A., Bougiatioti, A., Tzanis, C.G. (...), Vande Hey, J., Zerefos, C.S.: "From hygroscopic aerosols to cloud droplets: The HygrA-CD campaign in the Athens basin — An overview", Science of the Total Environment 574, pp. 216-233 (2017)
- Papayannis, A., Argyrouli, A., Bougiatioti, A., Giannakaki, E., (...), Vande Hey, J., Zerefos, C.S. : "From hygroscopic aerosols to cloud droplets: The HygrA-CD campaign in the Athens basin — An overview", Science of the Total Environment, 574, pp. 216-233 (2017)
- Siomos, N., Balis, D.S., Poupkou, A., Giannakaki, E., (...), Basart, S., Chaikovsky, A.: "Investigating the quality of modeled aerosol profiles based on combined lidar and sunphotometer data", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (11), pp. 7003-7023 (2017)
- Filioglou, M., Nikandrova, A., Niemelä, S., (...), Giannakaki, E., Komppula, M:"Profiling water vapor mixing ratios in Finland by means of a Raman lidar, a satellite and a model", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 10(11), pp. 4303-4316 (2017)
- Krapivin, V.F., Varotsos, C.A. :"Modelling the CO2 atmosphere-ocean flux in the upwelling zones using radiative transfer tools", Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 150-151, pp. 47-54 (2016)
- Varotsos, C.A., Ghosh, S.: "Impacts of climate warming on atmospheric phase transition mechanisms", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, pp. 1-12 (2016)
- Varotsos, C.A., Mazei, Y.A., Burkovsky, I., Efstathiou, M.N., Tzanis, C.G.: "Climate scaling behaviour in the dynamics of the marine interstitial ciliate community", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 125 (3-4), pp. 439-447 (2016)
- Krapivin, V.F., Varotsos, C.A., Christodoulakis, J.: "Mission to Mars: Adaptive Identifier for the Solution of Inverse Optical Metrology Tasks", Earth, Moon and Planets,118 (1) (2016)
- Varotsos, C.A., Tzanis, C., Cracknell, A.P.: "Precursory signals of the major El Niño Southern Oscillation events", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 124 (3-4), pp. 903-912 (2016)
- Lovejoy, S., Varotsos, C.,: "Scaling regimes and linear/nonlinear responses of last millennium climate to volcanic and solar forcings", Earth System Dynamics, 7 (1), pp. 133-150 (2016)
- Varotsos, C.A., Tzanis, C.G., Sarlis, N.V.: "On the progress of the 2015-2016 El Ninõ event", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16 (4), pp. 2007-2011 (2016)
- Varotsos, C.A., Efstathiou, M.N.,: "On the wrong inference of long-range correlations in climate data; the case of the solar and volcanic forcing over the Tropical Pacific", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, pp. 1-7 (2016)
- Mamouri, R.-E., Ansmann, A., Nisantzi, A., (...), Kallos, G., Hadjimitsis, D.G.:"Extreme dust storm over the eastern Mediterranean in September 2015: Satellite, lidar, and surface observations in the Cyprus region", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16 (21), pp. 13711-13724 (2016)
- Emmanouil, G., Galanis, G., Kalogeri, C., Zodiatis, G., Kallos, G.:"10-year high resolution study of wind, sea waves and wave energy assessment in the Greek offshore areas", Renewable Energy 90, pp. 399-419 (2016)
- Cradden, L., Kalogeri, C., Barrios, I.M., (...), Ingram, D., Kallos, G.: "Multi-criteria site selection for offshore renewable energy platforms", Renewable Energy 87, pp. 791-806 (2016)
- Patlakas, P., Galanis, G., Barranger, N., Kallos, G. :"Extreme wind events in a complex maritime environment: Ways of quantification", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 149, pp. 89-101 (2016)
- Farrou, I., Kolokotroni, M., Santamouris, M. :"Building envelope design for climate change mitigation: a case study of hotels in Greece", International Journal of Sustainable Energy 35 (10), pp. 944-967 (2016)
- Santamouris, M.:"Cooling the buildings – past, present and future", Energy and Buildings 128, pp. 617-638 (2016)
- Pantazaras, A., Lee, S.E., Santamouris, M., Yang, J.:"Predicting the CO2 levels in buildings using deterministic and identified models", Energy and Buildings 127, pp. 774-785 (2016)
- Vasilakopoulou, K., Synnefa, A., Kolokotsa, D., Karlessi, T., Santamouris, M. :"Performance prediction and design optimisation of an integrated light pipe and artificial lighting system", International Journal of Sustainable Energy 35 (7), pp. 675-685 (2016)
- Yang, J., Santamouris, M., Lee, S.E., Deb, C.:"Energy performance model development and occupancy number identification of institutional buildings", Energy and Buildings 123, pp. 192-204 (2016)
- Kolokotsa, D., Gobakis, K., Papantoniou, S., (...), Vasilakopoulou, K.,:"Development of a web based energy management system for University Campuses: The CAMP-IT platform", Energy and Buildings 123, pp. 119-135 (2016)
- Deb, C., Eang, L.S., Yang, J., Santamouris, M. :"Forecasting diurnal cooling energy load for institutional buildings using Artificial Neural Networks" Energy and Buildings 121, pp. 284-297 (2016)
- Yang, J., Santamouris, M., Lee, S.E.:"Review of occupancy sensing systems and occupancy modeling methodologies for the application in institutional buildings", Energy and Buildings 121, pp. 344-349 (2016)
- Efthymiou, C., Santamouris, M., Kolokotsa, D., Koras, A. :"Development and testing of photovoltaic pavement for heat island mitigation", Solar Energy 130, pp. 148-160 (2016)
- Pieri, S.P., Santamouris, M., Tzouvadakis, I. :"Energy signature models of naturally ventilated hotels in Athens: a hotel classification methodology" International Journal of Ventilation, pp. 1-22 (2016)
- Yang, J., Pantazaras, A., Lee, S.E., Santamouris, M. :"Retrofitting solutions for two different occupancy levels of educational buildings in tropics", International Journal of Sustainable Energy pp. 1-15 (2016)
- Kuhn, T.E., Wilson, H.R., Hanek, J., Santamouris, M. :"Raout-in: Color rendering of objects in a daylit room viewed from outdoors", Energy and Buildings 118, pp. 93-98 (2016)
- Santamouris, M.:"Innovating to zero the building sector in Europe: Minimising the energy consumption, eradication of the energy poverty and mitigating the local climate change", Solar Energy 128, pp. 61-94 (2016)
- Karachaliou, P., Santamouris, M., Pangalou, H.:"Experimental and numerical analysis of the energy performance of a large scale intensive green roof system installed on an office building in Athens", Energy and Buildings 114, pp. 256-264 (2016)
- Pisello, A.L., Castaldo, V.L., Pignatta, G., Cotana, F., Santamouris, M. :"Experimental in-lab and in-field analysis of waterproof membranes for cool roof application and urban heat island mitigation", Energy and Buildings 114, pp. 180-190 (2016)
- Mastrapostoli, E., Santamouris, M., Kolokotsa, D., (...), Venieri, D., Gompakis, K.:"On the ageing of cool roofs: Measure of the optical degradation, chemical and biological analysis and assessment of the energy impact", Energy and Buildings 114, pp. 191-199 (2016)
- Santamouris, M.:"Cool pavements to mitigate urban heat Islands" (Book Chapter), Urban Climate Mitigation Techniques, pp. 93-112 (2016)
- Santamouris, M.:"Urban warming and mitigation: Actual status, impacts and challenges" (Book Chapter), Urban Climate Mitigation Techniques, pp. 1-26 (2016)
- Santamouris, M., Kolokotsa, D. :"Urban climate mitigation techniques" (Book), Urban Climate Mitigation Techniques, pp. 1-208 (2016)
- Synnefa, A., Santamouris, M. :"Mitigating the urban heat with cool materials for the buildings' fabric" (Book Chapter), Urban Climate Mitigation Techniques pp. 67-92 (2016)
- Paravantis, J.A., Santamouris, M. :"An analysis of indoor temperature measurements in low- and very-low-income housing in Athens, Greece", Advances in Building Energy Research, 10 (1), pp. 20-45 (2016)
- Santamouris, M., Kolokotsa, D.: "Passive cooling of buildings: Present and future needs: Recent progress on passive cooling convective technologies" (Book Chapter), Advanced Environmental Wind Engineering, pp. 75-88 (2016)
- Laskari, M., Karatasou, S., Santamouris, M. :"The design of an energy and water advice programme for low-income households", Energy and Buildings, 110, pp. 426-434, (2016)
- Benas, N., Chrysoulakis, N., Cartalis, C.:"Trends of urban surface temperature and heat island characteristics in the Mediterranean", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, pp. 1-10 (2016)
- Akbari, H., Cartalis, C., Kolokotsa, D., (...), Wong, N.H., Zinzi, M. : "Local climate change and urban heat island mitigation techniques - The state of the art", Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 22 (1), pp. 1-16, (2016)
- Triantafyllou, E., Giamarelou, M., Bossioli, E., Tombrou, M., (...), Mihalopoulos, N., Biskos, G.:"Particulate pollution transport episodes from Eurasia to a remote region of northeast Mediterranean", Atmospheric Environment 128, pp. 45-52 (2016)
- Bossioli, E., Tombrou, M., Kalogiros, J., (...), Mihalopoulos, N., Percival, C.J.:"Atmospheric composition in the Eastern Mediterranean: Influence of biomass burning during summertime using the WRF-Chem model", Atmospheric Environment 132, pp. 317-331 (2016)
- Athanasopoulou, E., Protonotariou, A., Papangelis, G.,Tombrou, M., Mihalopoulos, N., Gerasopoulos, E. :"Long-range transport of Saharan dust and chemical transformations over the Eastern Mediterranean", Atmospheric Environment 140, pp. 592-604 (2016)
- Mavrakis, A., Salvati, L., Flocas, H. :"Mixing ratio as indicator of climate variations at a local scale: Trends in an industrial area of the Eastern Mediterranean", International Journal of Climatology 36 (3), pp. 1534-1538
- Taylor, M., Retalis, A., Flocas, H.A. :"Particulate matter estimation from photochemistry: A modelling approach using neural networks and synoptic clustering", Aerosol and Air Quality Research 16 (9), pp. 2067-2084 (2016)
- Flocas, H.A., Tsanis, I.K., Katavoutas, G., (...), Iordanidou, V., Alexakis, D.D.:"Climatological aspects of cyclonic tracks associated with flood events in Crete, Greece", Theoretical and Applied Climatology pp. 1-12 (2016)
- Katavoutas, G., Assimakopoulos, M.N., Asimakopoulos, D.N.:"On the determination of the thermal comfort conditions of a metropolitan city underground railway", Science of the Total Environment 566-567, pp. 877-887 (2016)
- Taktikou, E., Bourazanis, G., Papaioannou, G., Kerkides, P.:"Prediction of Soil Moisture from Remote Sensing Data", Procedia Engineering 162, pp. 309-316 (2016)
- Licer, M., Smerkol, P., Fettich, A., (...), Malačič, V., Sofianos, S. :"Modeling the ocean and atmosphere during an extreme bora event in northern Adriatic using one-way and two-way atmosphere-ocean coupling", Ocean Science 12 (1), pp. 71-86 (2016)
- Mavropoulou, A.-M., Mantziafou, A., Jarosz, E., Sofianos, S.:"The influence of Black Sea Water inflow and its synoptic time-scale variability in the North Aegean Sea hydrodynamics", Ocean Dynamics 66 (2), pp. 195-206 (2016)
- Zodiatis, G., De Dominicis, M., Perivoliotis, L., Sofianos, S. (...), Caiazzo, L., Mancini, M.:"The Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety dedicated to oil slicks predictions", Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 133, pp. 4-20 (2016)
- Amanollahi, J., Tzanis, C., Ramli, M.F., Abdullah, A.M.: "Urban heat evolution in a tropical area utilizing Landsat imagery", Atmospheric Research 167, pp. 175-182
- Sinha, P.R., Sahu, L.K., Manchanda, R.K., (...), Tzanis, C.G., Sreenivasan, S.:"Transport of tropospheric and stratospheric ozone over India: Balloon-borne observations and modeling analysis", Atmospheric Environment 131, pp. 228-242 (2016)
- Banks, R.F., Tiana-Alsina, J., Baldasano, J.M., (...), Solomos, S., Tzanis, C.G.:"Sensitivity of boundary-layer variables to PBL schemes in the WRF model based on surface meteorological observations, lidar, and radiosondes during the HygrA-CD campaign", Atmospheric Research 176-177, pp. 185-201 (2016)
- Varotsos, C.A., Lovejoy, S., Sarlis, N.V., Tzanis, C.G., Efstathiou, M.N.: "On the scaling of the solar incident flux", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (13), pp. 7301-7306, (2015)
- Papadopoulos, V.P., Zhan, P., Sofianos, S.S., (...), Zarokanellos, N., Hoteit, I. : "Factors governing the deep ventilation of the Red Sea", Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, (2015)
- Mavrakis, A., Salvati, L., Flocas, H.: "Mixing ratio as indicator of climate variations at a local scale: Trends in an industrial area of the Eastern Mediterranean", International Journal of Climatology (2015)
- Kouroutzoglou, J., Flocas, H.A.,Hatzaki, M., (...), Simmonds, I., Mavroudis, A.: "On the dynamics of a case study of explosive cyclogenesis in the Mediterranean", Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics127 (1), pp. 49-73 (2015)
- Polydoros, A., Cartalis, C.: "Assessing the impact of urban expansion to the state of thermal environment of peri-urban areas using indices", Urban Climate 14, pp. 166-175, (2015)
- Kolokotsa, D., Santamouris, M. :"Review of the indoor environmental quality and energy consumption studies for low income households in Europe", Science of the Total Environment 536, pp. 316-330, (2015)
- Yang, J., Santamouris, M., Lee, S.E. :"Review of occupancy sensing systems and occupancy modeling methodologies for the application in institutional buildings", Energy and Buildings (2015)
- Deb, C., Eang, L.S., Yang, J., Santamouris, M. :"Forecasting diurnal cooling energy load for institutional buildings using Artificial Neural Networks", Energy and Buildings (2015)
- Yang, J., Santamouris, M., Lee, S.E., Deb, C.: "Energy performance model development and occupancy number identification of institutional buildings", Energy and Buildings
- Paravantis, J.A., Santamouris, M. : "An analysis of indoor temperature measurements in low- and very-low-income housing in Athens, GREECE", Advances in Building Energy Research (2015)
- Niu, J.-L., Santamouris, M.: "Energy and Buildings: Editorial", Energy and Buildings 91, pp. 210-211 (2015)
- Zodiatis, G., Galanis, G., Kallos, G., Liakatas, A., Stylianou, S.: "The impact of sea surface currents in wave power potential modeling", Ocean Dynamics 65 (11), pp. 1547-1565 (2015)
- Barranger, N., Ternisien, T., Kallos, G. "An intercomparison study between RAMS and CRES-Flow-NS models and evaluation with wind tunnel experimental data: Toward improving atmospheric modeling for wind resource assessment", Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 142, pp. 272-288 (2015)
- Nikolopoulos, E.I., Bartsotas, N.S., Anagnostou, E.N., Kallos, G.: "Using high-resolution numerical weather forecasts to improve remotely sensed rainfall estimates: The case of the 2013 Colorado flash flood", Journal of Hydrometeorology 16 (4), pp. 1742-1751 (2015)
- Varotsos, C., Tzanis, C., Efstathiou, M. and Deligiorgi, D.:“Tempting long-memory in the historic surface ozone concentrations at Athens, Greece”, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Vol. 6, pp. 1055-1057 (2015)
- Varotsos, C.A., Efstathiou, M.N.: "Symmetric scaling properties in global surface air temperature anomalies", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 121 (3-4), pp. 767-773 (2015)
- Christodoulakis, J., Varotsos, C., Cracknell, A.P., Tzanis, C., Neofytos, A.: "An assessment of the stray light in 25 years of Dobson total ozone data at Athens, GREECE", Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8 (7), pp. 3037-3046 (2015)
- Georgiou, S., Mantziafou, A., Sofianos, S., (...), Somot, S., Vervatis, V.:"Climate variability and deep water mass characteristics in the Aegean Sea", Atmospheric Research, 152, pp. 146-158 (2015)
- Georgiou, S., Mantziafou, A., Sofianos, S., (...), Somot, S., Vervatis, V.:"Corrigendum to "Climate variability and deep water mass characteristics in the Aegean Sea" [Atmospheric Research 152 (2014) 146-158]", Atmospheric Research 153, pp. 579 (2015)
- Kofinas, P., Dounis, A.I., Papadakis, G., Assimakopoulos, M.N. :"An Intelligent MPPT controller based on direct neural control for partially shaded PV system", Energy and Buildings 90, pp. 51-64 (2015)
- Katavoutas, G., Georgiou, G.K., Asimakopoulos, D.N.:"Studying the urban thermal environment under a human-biometeorological point of view: The case of a large coastal metropolitan city, Athens", Atmospheric Research 152, pp. 82-92 (2015)
- Michaelides, S., Nastos, P., Flocas, H.:"Atmospheric Processes in the Mediterranean", Atmospheric Research, 152, pp. 1-3 (2015)
- Rizou, D., Flocas, H.A., Athanasiadis, P., Bartzokas, A. :"Relationship between the Indian summer monsoon and the large-scale circulation variability over the Mediterranean", Atmospheric Research, 152, pp. 159-169 (2015)
- Tombrou, M., Bossioli, E., Kalogiros, J., (...), Protonotariou, A.P., Szabó-Takács, B. :"Physical and chemical processes of air masses in the Aegean Sea during Etesians: Aegean-GAME airborne campaign", Science of the Total Environment", 506-507, pp. 201-216 (2015)
- Athanasopoulou E., E.P. Protonotariou, E. Bossioli, A. Dandou, M. Tombrou, J.D. Allan, H. Coel, N. Mihalopoulos, J. Kalogiros, A. Bacak, J. Sciare, G. Biskos: "Aerosol chemistry above an extended Archipelago of the Eastern Mediterranean basin during strong northern winds", Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15, 8401-842 (2015)
- Cartalis, C., Asimakopoulos, D.N., Ban, Y., (...), Sarris, A., Yang, G. : "Earth observation in support of science and applications development in the field "land and Environment": Synthesis results from the ESA-most dragon cooperation Programme", International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives40 (7W3), pp. 1075-1081 (2015)
- Polydoros, A., Cartalis, C.:"Use of Earth Observation based indices for the monitoring of built-up area features and dynamics in support of urban energy studies", Energy and Buildings 98, pp. 92-99 (2015)
- Karlessi, T., Santamouris, M. :"Improving the performance of thermochromic coatings with the use of UV and optical filters tested under accelerated aging conditions", International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 10 (1), ctt027, pp. 45-61 (2015)
- Santamouris, M., Cartalis, C., Synnefa, A. :"Local urban warming, possible impacts and a resilience plan to climate change for the historical center of Athens, Greece", Sustainable Cities and Society (2015)
- Chadiarakou, S., Santamouris, M.:"Field survey on multi-family buildings in order to depict their energy characteristics", International Journal of Sustainable Energy 34, pp. 271-281 (2015)
- Papanicolas, C., Lange, M.A., Fylaktos, N., (...), Vasilakopoulou, K., Santamouris, M. : "Design, construction and monitoring of a near-zero energy laboratory building in Cyprus", Advances in Building Energy Research 9 (1), pp. 140-150 (2015)
- Karachaliou, P., Santamouris, M., Pangalou, H.: "Experimental and numerical analysis of the energy performance of a large scale intensive green roof system installed on an office building in Athens", Energy and Buildings (2015)
- Santamouris, M.: "Mitigation countermeasures to face urban warming", International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies 10 (1), ctu032, pp. 1-2 (2015)
- Gobakis, K., Kolokotsa, D., Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki, N., Perdikatsis, V., Santamouris, M.:"Development and analysis of advanced inorganic coatings for buildings and urban structures", Energy and Buildings 89, pp. 196-205 (2015)
- Pisello, A.L., Castaldo, V.L., Pignatta, G., Cotana, F., Santamouris, M.:"Experimental in-lab and in-field analysis of waterproof membranes for cool roof application and urban heat island mitigation", Energy and Buildings (2015)
- Santamouris, M.: "Regulating the damaged thermostat of the cities - Status, impacts and mitigation challenges", Energy and Buildings 91, pp. 43-56 (2015)
- Santamouris, M. :"Analyzing the heat island magnitude and characteristics in one hundred Asian and Australian cities and regions", Science of the Total Environment 512-513, pp. 582-598 (2015)
- Rossi, F., Castellani, B., Presciutti, A., (...), Nicolini, A., Santamouris, M.: "Retroreflective façades for urban heat island mitigation: Experimental investigation and energy evaluations", Applied Energy 145, pp. 8-20 (2015)
- Pieri, S.P., Tzouvadakis, I., Santamouris, M.: "Identifying energy consumption patterns in the Attica hotel sector using cluster analysis techniques with the aim of reducing hotels' CO2 footprint", Energy and Buildings 94, 5691, pp. 252-262 (2015)
- Dorizas, P.V., Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Santamouris, M. : "A holistic approach for the assessment of the indoor environmental quality, student productivity, and energy consumption in primary schools", Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187 (5), pp. 1-18 (2015)
- Santamouris, M., Cartalis, C., Synnefa, A., Kolokotsa, D. : "On the impact of urban heat island and global warming on the power demand and electricity consumption of buildings - A review", Energy and Buildings 98, pp. 119-124 (2015)
- Santamouris, M., Kolokotsa, D.: "On the impact of urban overheating and extreme climatic conditions on housing, energy, comfort and environmental quality of vulnerable population in Europe", Energy and Buildings 98, pp. 125-133 (2015)
- Dorizas, P.V., Assimakopoulos, M.-N., Helmis, C., Santamouris, M. : "An integrated evaluation study of the ventilation rate, the exposure and the indoor air quality in naturally ventilated classrooms in the Mediterranean region during spring", Science of the Total Environment 502, pp. 557-570 (2015)
- Helmis, C.G., Sgouros, G., Wang, Q.: "On the vertical structure and spectral characteristics of the marine Low-Level Jet", Atmospheric Research 152, pp. 74-81 (2015)
- Larsén, X.G., Kalogeri, C., Galanis, G., Kallos, G.: "A statistical methodology for the estimation of extreme wave conditions for offshore renewable applications", Renewable Energy, 80, pp. 205-218 (2015)
- Varotsos, C.A., Tzanis, C., Cracknell, A.P.: "Precursory signals of the major El Niño Southern Oscillation events", Theoretical and Applied Climatology, (2015)
- Varotsos, C.A., Mazei, Y.A., Burkovsky, I., Efstathiou, M.N., Tzanis, C.G. : "Climate scaling behaviour in the dynamics of the marine interstitial ciliate community", Theoretical and Applied Climatology (2015)
- Jacovides, C.P., Tymvios, F.S., Boland, J., Tsitouri, M.:"Artificial Neural Network models for estimating daily solar global UV, PAR and broadband radiant fluxes in an eastern Mediterranean site". Atmospheric Research 152, pp. 138-145, Elsevier, (2015).
- Philippopoulos, K., Deligiorgi, D. and Kouroupetroglou, G.: “Artificial Neural Network Modeling of Relative Humidity and Air Temperature Spatial and Temporal Distributions over Complex Terrains”, in the book “Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods”, Springer International Publishing Switzerland for the “Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing” series, ISBN: 978-3-319-12609-8, Edited by A. Fred and M. De Marsico (eds.), Volume 318, pp. 171-187 (2015).
- Cartalis, C. Toward resilient cities - a review of definitions, challenges and prospects (2014) Advances in Building Energy Research
- Chadiarakou, S., Santamouris, M. Field survey on multi-family buildings in order to depict their energy characteristics. (2014) International Journal of Sustainable Energy
- Gaitani, N., Santamouris, M., Cartalis, C., Pappas, I., Xyrafi, F., Mastrapostoli, E., Karahaliou, P., Efthymiou, Ch. Microclimatic analysis as a prerequisite for sustainable urbanisation: Application for an urban regeneration project for a medium size city in the greater urban agglomeration of Athens, Greece. (2014) Sustainable Cities and Society
- Giannopoulou, K., Livada, I., Santamouris, M., Saliari, M., Assimakopoulos, M., Caouris, Y.The influence of air temperature and humidity on human thermal comfort over the greater Athens area. (2014) Sustainable Cities and Society 10 PP. 184 - 194
- Halios, C.H., Helmis, C.G., Deligianni, K., Vratolis, S., Eleftheriadis, K. Determining the ventilation and aerosol deposition rates from routine indoor-air measurements.(2014) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186 (1) PP. 151 - 163
- Kallos, G., Solomos, S., Kushta, J., Mitsakou, C., Spyrou, C., Bartsotas, N., Kalogeri, C. Natural and anthropogenic aerosols in the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East: Possible impacts. (2014) Science of the Total Environment
- Kushta, J., Kallos, G., Astitha, M., Solomos, S., Spyrou, C., Mitsakou, C., Lelieveld, J.Impact of natural aerosols on atmospheric radiation and consequent feedbacks with the meteorological and photochemical state of the atmosphere(2014) Journal of Geophysical Research D: Atmospheres 119 (3) PP. 1463 - 1491
- Mastrapostoli, E., Karlessi, T., Pantazaras, A., Kolokotsa, D., Gobakis, K., Santamouris, M.On the cooling potential of cool roofs in cold climates: Use of cool fluorocarbon coatings to enhance the optical properties and the energy performance of industrial buildings.(2014) Energy and Buildings 69 PP. 417 - 425
- Özsoy, E., Sofianos, S., Gertman, I., Mantziafou, A., Aydogdu, A., Georgiou, S., Tutsak, E., (...), Latif, M.A. Deep-water variability and interbasin interactions in the eastern mediterranean sea. (2014) Geophysical Monograph Series 202 PP. 85 - 112
- Pateraki, S., Asimakopoulos, D.N., Bougiatioti, A., Maggos, T., Vasilakos, C., Mihalopoulos, N.: Assessment of PM2.5 and PM1 chemical profile in a multiple-impacted Mediterranean urban area: Origin, sources and meteorological dependence. (2014) Science of the Total Environment 479-480 (1) PP. 210 - 220
- Philippopoulos, K., Deligiorgi, D., Mavrakou, T. and Cheliotis J. : Winter atmospheric circulation patterns and their relationship with the meteorological conditions in Greece, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Vol. 124, Issue 3-4, pp. 195-204, May 2014.
- Philippopoulos, K., Deligiorgi, D. and Kouroupetroglou, G. : Performance Comparison of Self-Organizing Maps and k-means Clustering Techniques for Atmospheric Circulation Classification, International Journal of Energy and Environment, Vol. 8, pp. 171-180 (2014).
- Santamouris, M. Cooling the cities - A review of reflective and green roof mitigation technologies to fight heat island and improve comfort in urban environments(2014) Solar Energy 103 PP. 682 - 703 Cited 18 times.
- Santamouris, M., Alevizos, S.M., Aslanoglou, L., Mantzios, D., Milonas, P., Sarelli, I., Karatasou, S., (...), Paravantis, J.A. Freezing the poor - Indoor environmental quality in low and very low income households during the winter period in Athens. (2014) Energy and Buildings 70 PP. 61 - 70
- Skoulika, F., Santamouris, M., Kolokotsa, D., Boemi, N. On the thermal characteristics and the mitigation potential of a medium size urban park in Athens, Greece. (2014) Landscape and Urban Planning 123 PP. 73 - 86
- Varotsos, C.A., Efstathiou, M.N., Cracknell, A.P. Sharp rise in hurricane and cyclone count during the last century. (2014) Theoretical and Applied Climatology PP. 1 - 10
- Varotsos, C.A., Franzke, C.L.E., Efstathiou, M.N., Degermendzhi, A.G. Evidence for two abrupt warming events of SST in the last century. (2014) Theoretical and Applied Climatology 116 (1-2) PP. 51 - 60
- Varotsos, C., Christodoulakis, J., Tzanis, C., Cracknell, A.P. Signature of tropospheric ozone and nitrogen dioxide from space: A case study for Athens, Greece. (2014) Atmospheric Environment 89 PP. 721 - 730
- Zodiatis, G., Galanis, G., Nikolaidis, A., Kalogeri, C., Hayes, D., Georgiou, G.C., Chu, P.C., Kallos, G. Wave energy potential in the Eastern Mediterranean Levantine Basin. An integrated 10-year study. (2014) Renewable Energy 69 PP. 311 - 323
- Asimakopoulos, D., Cartalis, C., Petrakis, M., Adaktylou, N., Stathopoulou, M., Chrysoulakis, N. Use of earth observation in support of major sport events: The post games assessment of the sporting event of the olympic games 2004. (2013) European Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP 704 SP
- Assimakopoulos, M.N., Dounis, A., Spanou, A., Santamouris, M. Indoor air quality in a metropolitan area metro using fuzzy logic assessment system (2013) Science of the Total Environment 449 , pp. 461-469.
- Bezantakos, S., Barmpounis, K., Giamarelou, M., Bossioli, E., Tombrou, M., Mihalopoulos, N., Eleftheriadis, K., (...), Biskos, G. Chemical composition and hygroscopic properties of aerosol particles over the Aegean Sea. (2013) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (22) PP. 11595 - 11608
- Bonamente, E., Rossi, F., Coccia, V., Pisello, A.L., Nicolini, A., Castellani, B., Cotana, F., (...), Santamouris, M. An energy-balanced analytic model for urban heat canyons: comparison with experimental data. (2013) Advances in Building Energy Research 7 (2) PP. 222 - 234 Cited 1 times.
- Bossioli, E., Tombrou, M., Helmis, C., Kurtenbach, R., Wiesen, P., Schäfer, K., Dandou, A., Varotsos, K.V. Issues related to aircraft take-off plumes in a mesoscale photochemical model. (2013) Science of the Total Environment 456-457 PP. 69 - 81
- Chrysoulakis, N., Lopes, M., San José, R., Grimmond, C.S.B., Jones, M.B., Magliulo, V., Klostermann, J.E.M., (...), Cartalis, C. Sustainable urban metabolism as a link between bio-physical sciences and urban planning: The BRIDGE project (2013) Landscape and Urban Planning 112 (1) , pp. 100-117.
- Chrysoulakis, N., Mitraka, Z., Stathopoulou, M., Cartalis, C. A comparative analysis of the urban web of the greater athens agglomeration for the last 20-years period on the basis of landsat imagery. (2013) Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 22 (7 B) PP. 2139 - 2143
- Deligiorgi, D., Philippopoulos, K. and Karvounis, G. Estimation of pollution dispersion patterns of a power plant plume in complex terrain. Global NEST Journal, Vol. 15, No 2, pp 227-240 (2013).
- Deligiorgi, D., Philippopoulos, K. and Kouroupetroglou, G.: “Artificial Neural Network based methodologies for the estimation of wind speed”, in the book “Assessment and simulation tools for sustainable energy systems: methodology and applications”, Springer for the “Green energy and Technology” series, ISBN: 978-1-4471-5142-5 (Print) 978-1-4471-5143-2 (Online), Edited by Fausto Cavallaro, Volume 129, pp. 247-266 (2013).
- Dorizas, P.V., Kapsanaki-Gotsi, E., Assimakopoulos, M.N., Santamouris, M. Correlation of particulate matter with airborne fungi in schools in Greece. (2013) International Journal of Ventilation 12 (1) PP. 1 - 15
- Efstathiou, M.N., Varotsos, C.A. On the 11 year solar cycle signature in global total ozone dynamics (2013) Meteorological Applications 20 (1) , pp. 72-79.
- Gini, M.I., Helmis, C.G., Eleftheriadis, K. Cascade Epiphaniometer: An instrument for aerosol "Fuchs" surface area size distribution measurements. (2013) Journal of Aerosol Science 63 PP. 87 -102
- Gini, M., Lianou, M., Chalbot, M.C., Kotronarou, A., Kavouras, I.G., Helmis, C.G. Quantification of environmental tobacco smoke contribution on outdoor particulate aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. (2013) Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 64 (3) PP. 347 - 356 Cited 1 times.
- Halios, C.H., Helmis, C.G., Sgouros, G., Tzoutzas, J., Antoniadou, M., Kostopoulos, V. TVOCs emissions from disinfectants, bonding agents and acrylic substances in a controlled dental office. (2013) Global Nest Journal 15 (2)
- Helmis, C.G., Sgouros, G., Wang, Q. On the vertical structure and spectral characteristics of the marine Low-Level Jet (2013) Atmospheric Research
- Helmis, C.G., Wang, Q., Sgouros, G., Wang, S., Halios, C. Investigating the Summertime Low-Level Jet Over the East Coast of the U.S.A.: A Case Study. (2013) Boundary-Layer Meteorology 149 (2) PP. 259 - 276 Cited 1 times.
- Jacovides, C.P., Tymvios, F.S., Boland, J., Tsitouri, M. Artificial Neural Network models for estimating daily solar global UV, PAR and broadband radiant fluxes in an eastern Mediterranean site. (2013) Atmospheric Research
- Karatasou, S., Laskari, M., Santamouris, M. Models of behavior change and residential energy use: A review of research directions and findings for behavior-based energy efficiency(2013) Advances in Building Energy Research
- Karlessi, T., Gaitani, N., Synnefa, A., Santamouris, M. Cool pavements. (2013) Advances in the Development of Cool Materials for the Built Environment PP. 104 - 119
- Karlessi, T., Santamouris, M. Research on thermochromic and pcm doped infrared reflective coatings. (2013) Advances in the Development of Cool Materials for the Built Environment PP. 83 - 103
- Katavoutas, G., Georgiou, G.K., Asimakopoulos, D.N. Studying the urban thermal environment under a human-biometeorological point of view: The case of a large coastal metropolitan city, Athens. (2013) Atmospheric Research
- Kitsara, G., Papaioannou, G., Papathanasiou, A., Retalis, A. Dimming/brightening in Athens: Trends in Sunshine Duration, Cloud Cover and Reference Evapotranspiration (2013) Water Resources Management 27 (6) , pp. 1623-1633.
- Kolokotsa, D.-D., Santamouris, M., Akbari, H. Preface. (2013) Advances in the Development of Cool Materials for the Built Environment PP. iii - v
- Kolokotsa, D.-D., Santamouris, M., Akbari, H. Advances in the development of cool materials for the built environment. (2013) Advances in the Development of Cool Materials for the Built Environment
- Kolokotsa, D., Santamouris, M., Zerefos, S.C. Green and cool roofs' urban heat island mitigation potential in European climates for office buildings under free floating conditions(2013) Solar Energy 95 PP. 118 - 130 Cited 1 times.
- Kushta, J., Solomos, S., Astitha, M., Mitsakou, C., Kallos, G. An Online Coupled Two Way Interactive Modelling Study of Air Pollution Over Europe and Mediterranean. (2013) NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security 137 PP. 279 - 284
- Nair, U.S., Wu, Y., Holmes, C.D., Ter Schure, A., Kallos, G., Walters, J.T. Cloud-resolving simulations of mercury scavenging and deposition in thunderstorms. (2013) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (19) PP. 10143 - 10157
- Pantavou, K., Theoharatos, G., Santamouris, M., Asimakopoulos, D. Outdoor thermal sensation of pedestrians in a Mediterranean climate and a comparison with UTCI. (2013) Building and Environment 66 PP. 82 - 95 Cited 1 times.
- Pantavou, K., Santamouris, M., Asimakopoulos, D., Theoharatos, G.Evaluating the performance of bioclimatic indices on quantifying thermal sensation for pedestrians(2013) Advances in Building Energy Research 7 (2) PP. 170 - 185
- Pelland, S., Galanis, G., Kallos, G. Solar and photovoltaic forecasting through post-processing of the Global Environmental Multiscale numerical weather prediction model. (2013) Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 21 (3) PP. 284 - 296 Cited 2 times.
- Philippopoulos, K., Yiannikopoulou, I., Deligiorgi, D. and Flocas, H. Local scale simulation of air temperature by a two step hybrid downscaling approach using regional climate modeling and artificial neural networks. Global NEST Journal, Vol. 15, No 2, pp 261-270 (2013).
- Pisello, A.L., Santamouris, M., Cotana, F. Active cool roof effect: impact of cool roofs on cooling system efficiency. (2013) Advances in Building Energy Research 7 (2) PP. 209 - 221 Cited 1 times.
- Protonotariou, A., Kostopoulou, E., Tombrou, M., and Giannakopoulos, C. European CO budget and links with synoptic circulation based on GEOS-CHEM model simulations. Tellus B, 2013, 65, 18640,
- Santamouris, M. Using cool pavements as a mitigation strategy to fight urban heat island - A review of the actual developments. (2013) Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 26 PP. 224 - 240 Cited 5 times.
- Santamouris, M., Paravantis, J.A., Founda, D., Kolokotsa, D., Michalakakou, P., Papadopoulos, A.M., Kontoulis, N., (...), Servou, E. Financial crisis and energy consumption: A household survey in Greece. (2013) Energy and Buildings 65 PP. 477 - 487 Cited 1 times.
- Solomos, S., Kallos, G., Kushta, J., Nenes, A., Barahona, D., Bartsotas, N. The Role of Aerosol Properties on Cloud Nucleation Processes. (2013) NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security 137 PP. 27 - 34
- Solomos, S., Kallos, G. Dust Production by Density Currents - A Not So Well Known Source of Aerosol Particles in the Atmosphere. (2013) NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security 137 PP. 141 - 145
- Spyrou, C., Kallos, G., Mitsakou, C., Athanasiadis, P., Kalogeri, C., Iacono, M.J. Modeling the radiative effects of desert dust on weather and regional climate. (2013) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 13 (11) PP. 5489 - 5504
- Stathopoulos, C., Kaperoni, A., Galanis, G., Kallos, G. Wind power prediction based on numerical and statistical models (2013) Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 112 , pp. 25-38.
- Synnefa, A., Santamouris, M. White or light colored cool roofing materials. (2013) Advances in the Development of Cool Materials for the Built Environment PP. 33 - 71
- Varotsos, C.A., Efstathiou, M.N. Is there any long-term memory effect in the tropical cyclones? (2013) Theoretical and Applied Climatology , pp. 1-8.
- Varotsos, C.A., Melnikova, I., Efstathiou, M.N., Tzanis, C. On the 1/f noise in the UV solar spectral irradiance (2013) Theoretical and Applied Climatology , pp. 1-3.
- Varotsos, C.A., Melnikova, I., Efstathiou, M.N., Tzanis, C. 1/f noise in the UV solar spectral irradiance (2013) Theoretical and Applied Climatology 111 (3-4) , pp. 641-648.
- Varotsos KV, Tombrou M, Giannakopoulos C. Statistical estimations of the number of future ozone exceedances due to climate change in Europe. J Geophys Res Atmos 2013, 118: 6080–6099.
- Varotsos KV, Giannakopoulos C, Tombrou M. Assessment of the Impacts of Climate Change on European Ozone Levels. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution C7 - 1596 2013, 224(6): 1-13.
- Vervatis, V.D., Sofianos, S.S., Skliris, N., Somot, S., Lascaratos, A., Rixen, M. Mechanisms controlling the thermohaline circulation pattern variability in the Aegean-Levantine region. A hindcast simulation (1960-2000) with an eddy resolving model (2013) Deep-Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 74 , pp. 82-97.
- Zagouras, A., Argiriou, A.A., Economou, G., Fotopoulos, S., Flocas, H.A. Weather maps classification over Greek domain based on isobaric line patterns - A pattern recognition approach (2013) Theoretical and Applied Climatology, pp. 1-14.
- Akbari, H., Santamouris, M. Editorial (2012) Energy and Buildings 55 , pp. 1.
- Alapaty, K., Mathur, R., Pleim, J., Hogrefe, C., Rao, S.T., Ramaswamy, V., Galmarini, S., Schaap, M., Makar, P., Vautard, R., Baklanov, A., Kallos, G. , Vogel, B., Sokhi, R.New Directions: Understanding interactions of air quality and climate change at regional scales(2012) Atmospheric Environment, 49, pp. 419-421.
- Asimakopoulos, D.A., Santamouris, M., Farrou, I., Laskari, M., Saliari, M., Zanis, G., Giannakidis, G., (...), Giannakopoulos, C. Modelling the energy demand projection of the building sector in Greece in the 21st century (2012) Energy and Buildings 49 , pp. 488-498.
- Bossioli, E., Tombrou, M., Karali, A., Dandou, A., Paronis, D., Sofiev, M. Ozone production from the interaction of wildfire and biogenic emissions: A case study in Russia during spring 2006 (2012) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 12 (17) , pp. 7931-7953.
- Dassenakis, M., Paraskevopoulou, V., Cartalis, C., Adaktilou, N., Katsiabani, K. Remote sensing in coastal water monitoring: Applications in the eastern mediterranean sea (IUPAC technical report) (2012) Pure and Applied Chemistry 84 (2) , pp. 335-375.
- Efstathiou, M., Tzanis, C., Varotsos, C. , Deligiorgi, D. ,The Gutenberg-Richter law for earthquakes in air pollution episodes: A case study for Athens, Greece. (2012) Acta Geophysica, 60 (1), pp. 280-290.
- Efstathiou, M.N., Varotsos, C.A. Intrinsic properties of Sahel precipitation anomalies and rainfall (2012) Theoretical and Applied Climatology 109 (3-4) , pp. 627-633.
- Emmanouil, G., Galanis, G., Kallos, G. Combination of statistical Kalman filters and data assimilation for improving ocean waves analysis and forecasting (2012)
Ocean Modelling 59-60 , pp. 11-23 - Farrou, I., Kolokotroni, M., Santamouris, M. A method for energy classification of hotels: A case-study of Greece (2012) Energy and Buildings 55 , pp. 553-562.
- Flocas, H.A., Kountouris, P., Kouroutzoglou, J., Hatzaki, M., Keay, K., Simmonds, I. Vertical characteristics of cyclonic tracks over the eastern Mediterranean during the cold period of the year (2012) Theoretical and Applied Climatology, pp. 1-14.
- Galanis, G., Chu, P.C., Kallos, G. , Kuo, Y.-H., Dodson, C.T.J. Wave height characteristics in the north Atlantic ocean: A new approach based on statistical and geometrical techniques (2012) Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 26 (1), pp. 83-103.
- Galanis, G., Hayes, D., Zodiatis, G., Chu, P.C., Kuo, Y.-H., Kallos, G. Wave height characteristics in the Mediterranean Sea by means of numerical modeling, satellite data, statistical and geometrical techniques(2012) Marine Geophysical Research, 33 (1), pp. 1-15.
- Gini, M., Lianou, M., Chalbot, M.C., Kotronarou, A., Kavouras, I.G., Helmis, C.G. Quantification of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Contribution on Outdoor Particulate Aliphatic and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (2012) Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, pp. 1-10.
- Halios, C.H., Helmis, C.G., Flocas, H.A., Nyeki, S., Assimakopoulos, D.N. On the variability of the surface environment response to synoptic forcing over complex terrain: A multivariate data analysis approach (2012) Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 118 (3-4) , pp. 107-115.
- Helmis, C.G., Sgouros, G., Tombrou, M., Schäfer, K., Münkel, C., Bossioli, E., Dandou, A.A Comparative Study and Evaluation of Mixing-Height Estimation Based on Sodar-RASS, Ceilometer Data and Numerical Model Simulations (2012) Boundary-Layer Meteorology 145 (3) , pp. 507-526.
- Jacovides, C.P. , Boland, J., Rizou, D., Kaltsounides, N.A., Theoharatos, G.A . School Students participation in monitoring solar radiation components: Preliminary results for UVB and UVA solar radiant fluxes (2012) Renewable Energy, 39 (1), pp. 367-374.
- Johns, W.E., Sofianos, S.S. Atmospherically forced exchange through the Bab El Mandeb strait (2012) Journal of Physical Oceanography 42 (7) , pp. 1143-1157.
- Kalabokidis, K., Xanthopoulos, G., Moore, P., Caballero, D., Kallos, G., Llorens, J., Roussou, O., Vasilakos, C. Decision support system for forest fire protection in the Euro-Mediterranean region (2012) European Journal of Forest Research, 131 (3) , pp. 597-608.
- Kapsalaki, M., Leal, V., Santamouris, M. A methodology for economic efficient design of Net Zero Energy Buildings (2012) Energy and Buildings 55 , pp. 765-778.
- Koçak, M., Theodosi, C., Zarmpas, P., Séguret, M.J.M., Herut, B., Kallos, G., Mihalopoulos, N., (...), Nimmo, M. Influence of mineral dust transport on the chemical composition and physical properties of the Eastern Mediterranean aerosol (2012) Atmospheric Environment 57 , pp. 266-277.
- Kolokotsa, D., Maravelaki-Kalaitzaki, P., Papantoniou, S., Vangeloglou, E., Saliari, M., Karlessi, T., Santamouris, M. Development and analysis of mineral based coatings for buildings and urban structures (2012) Solar Energy 86 (5) , pp. 1648-1659.
- Kouroutzoglou, J., Flocas, H.A., Keay, K., Simmonds, I., Hatzaki, M. On the vertical structure of Mediterranean explosive cyclones (2012) Theoretical and Applied Climatology 110 (1-2) , pp. 155-176.
- Krapivin, V.F., Soldatov, V.Y., Varotsos, C.A., Cracknell, A.P. An adaptive information technology for the operative diagnostics of the tropical cyclones; solar-terrestrial coupling mechanisms (2012) Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 89 , pp. 83-89.
- Kukkonen, J., Olsson, T., Schultz, D.M., Baklanov, A., Klein, T., Miranda, A.I., Monteiro, A., Hirtl, M., Tarvainen, V., Boy, M., Peuch, V.-H., Poupkou, A., Kioutsioukis, I., Finardi, S., Sofiev, M., Sokhi, R., Lehtinen, K.E.J., Karatzas, K., San José, R., Astitha, M., Kallos, G. , Schaap, M., Reimer, E., Jakobs, H., Eben, K.A review of operational, regional-scale, chemical weather forecasting models in Europe(2012) Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 12 (1), pp. 1-87.
- Mavrakou, T., Philippopoulos, K. and Deligiorgi, D: "The impact of sea breeze under different synoptic patterns on air pollution within Athens basin", Science of the Total Environment, 443, pp 31-43 (2012).
- Mavromatidis, L.E., Bykalyuk, A., El Mankibi, M., Michel, P., Santamouris, M. Numerical estimation of air gaps' influence on the insulating performance of multilayer thermal insulation (2012) Building and Environment, 49 (1), pp. 227-237.
- Mavromatidis, L.E., El Mankibi, M., Michel, P., Bykalyuk, A., Santamouris, M. Guidelines to study numerically and experimentally reflective insulation systems as applied to buildings (2012) Advances in Building Energy Research 6 (1) , pp. 2-35.
- Mavromatidis, L.E., EL Mankibi, M., Michel, P., Santamouris, M. Numerical estimation of time lags and decrement factors for wall complexes including Multilayer Thermal Insulation, in two different climatic zones (2012) Applied Energy, 92, pp. 480-491.
- Nopmongcol, U., Koo, B., Tai, E., Jung, J., Piyachaturawat, P., Emery, C., Yarwood, G., (...), Kallos, G. Modeling Europe with CAMx for the Air Quality Model Evaluation International Initiative (AQMEII) (2012)Atmospheric Environment 53 , pp. 177-185.
- Papangelis, G., Tombrou, M. , Dandou, A., Kontos, T.An urban "green planning" approach utilizing the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) modeling system. A case study of Athens, Greece(2012) Landscape and Urban Planning, 105 (1-2), pp. 174-183.
- Pateraki, S., Asimakopoulos, D.N. , Flocas, H.A. , Maggos, T., Vasilakos, C.The role of meteorology on different sized aerosol fractions (PM 10, PM 2.5, PM 2.5-10) (2012) Science of the Total Environment, 419, pp. 124-135.
- Pateraki, S., Asimakopoulos, D., Sciare, J., Maggos, T., Vlachogiannis, D., Gounaris, N., Karozis, S., (...), Vasilakos, C. Particles number and concentration patterns in the coastal area of Aegina, Athens (2012) Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 21 (11) , pp. 3189-3197.
- Philippopoulos, K., Deligiorgi, D. A self-organizing maps multivariate spatio-temporal approach for the classification of atmospheric conditions (2012) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) 7666 LNCS (PART 4) , pp. 544-551.
- Philippopoulos K., Deligiorgi D. Application of artificial neural networks for the spatial estimation of wind speed in a coastal region with complex topography (2012) Renewable Energy, Vol. 38, Issue 1, pp 75-82.
- Philippopoulos K., Deligiorgi D. and G. Karvounis. Wind speed distribution modeling in the greater area of Chania, Crete (2012)International Journal of Green Energy, 9: 174–193.
- Pirovano, G., Balzarini, A., Bessagnet, B., Emery, C., .Kallos, G, Meleux, F., Mitsakou, C., (...), Yarwood, G. Investigating impacts of chemistry and transport model formulation on model performance at European scale (2012)Atmospheric Environment 53 , pp. 93-109.
- Sakka, A., Santamouris, M., Livada, I., Nicol, F., Wilson, M. On the thermal performance of low income housing during heat waves (2012) Energy and Buildings 49 , pp. 69-77.
- Santamouris, M. Cooling the cities - A review of reflective and green roof mitigation technologies to fight heat island and improve comfort in urban environments (2012)
Solar Energy - Santamouris, M. , Gaitani, N., Spanou, A., Saliari, M., Giannopoulou, K., Vasilakopoulou, K., Kardomateas, T. Using cool paving materials to improve microclimate of urban areas - Design realization and results of the flisvos project (2012) Building and Environment, 53, pp. 128-136.
- Santamouris, M., Xirafi, F., Gaitani, N., Spanou, A., Saliari, M., Vassilakopoulou, K. Improving the microclimate in a dense urban area using experimental and theoretical techniques - The case of Marousi, Athens (2012) International Journal of Ventilation 11 (1) , pp. 1-16.
- Seleventi, M.K., Saraga, D.E., Helmis, C.G., Bairachtari, K., Vasilakos, C., Maggos, T. PM2.5 indoor/outdoor relationship and chemical composition in ions and OC/EC in an apartment in the center of Athens (2012) Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 21 (11) , pp. 3177-3183.
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